
Showing posts from April, 2020

Wawasan 2020 (A short sighted one)

It is interesting right? Malaysia since the early 90s have been talking about vision 2020. Better lifestyle, flying cars, better jobs, whatever the vision can imagine. Sky is the limit. But such a vision to talk about futuristic things of a better lifestyle and what not. Is it truly THE vision? To call it vision 2020 is our eyes actually truly seeing 20/20? Is our Vision, 20/20? I totally thought my vision would be. But looking at it now it was probably 10/20. Let me explain.  The year 2020 was supposed to be the year my whole life changed. It was to change in my job roles, a change in my relationship status, a change in my logistical living, a change in my academic achievements. It is like leveling up. If you ever played an MMORPG. Fuuh, it is skills upgrade, weapons upgrade, armor upgrade, job title from a petty thief to an elusive assassin. Oh, my whole life changed all right. One word. PANDEMIC . It is truly a humbling experience if not the most. That whole MMORPG

New Expression of Church (Insta Church)

First off, I am in no way proposing a replacement of our Sunday meetings in church. I am in no way proposing a new way of how we should do church. Again, my definition of church in this context is a community of believers gathering together in the name of Christ. Being his ekklesia. More on that topic in this other blog post here.  AAAND I am not starting some heretical movement. Please read along first hahaha.  I am also not using the word ‘Insta church’ for the sake of being instant like how Instagram was supposed to function. Insta church here simply means that the church is present within Instagram. If we are called to be salt and light, then definition salt and light in the cyber realm is something important. We are all on social media now but the reality is, God was the one that created social media. He created media (information be it audible or visual) and he created us to be social bearing His image. God was a social being, being trinitarian. The problem is cu

Malaysian Christian Memes (Taking church online)

Malaysian Christian Memes  (Taking church online) (Latest post on how Malaysian Christian Memes plan to move forward is here .)The things you write about with the time on your hands during MCO. My next blogpost is how not to waste your MCO as a Christian. But for now, let me talk about this public account I started. It is with the assumption those who read this already know of the existence of Malaysian Christian Memes. But if you believe in what this account stands for, share it out. Allow me to break it down into 3 simple sections for this posting. My take on church, a brief history on how it was created, the theological underpinnings of this Instagram platform and what it hopes to achieve.   My take on church Church has taken many different meanings. Many different models. There is the Elevation church style. The Village church style Matt Chandler. The Simple Church style by Francis Chan. All having different theological stances on Ecclesiology. You ge