
Showing posts from 2017

Being in the "IN BETWEEN"

What does it mean to be in the in between? Macam yes tapi bukan? Malcom in the middle? What what? I need to be clear.  But then again that is how I actually find myself most of the time. Unclear. Truth is I have been the guy that never had to plan till now. Even now I am being unclear. God truly has been gracious to me. Constantly making mistakes but sending the right people at the right time to just guide me.  Sure I am growing. But to grow I need to realize where I am falling short first.  Some person might ask "How did you get so far in such a short time? How did you do all this?" or "Please lah you? Pffft". It is the...In Betweeeeeen * Whispers * The answer is ultimately of course God's providence. But basically let me break it down to you in 3 areas. What do I mean when I say 'IN BETWEEN', What is the truth of the matter, and what do I need to do. What do I mean when I say 'IN BETWEEN' I feel right now I get

Never would I have thought

Never would I have thought... Such a phrase is usually accompanied with awe, shock, and surprise. Such a phrase has been used in my life one too many times. Then again, let me start off with this statement. If you serve God where Oxford dictionary would define for monotheistic religions as " the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being."...  then what is impossible? God transcends every dimension and is all present, all knowing and all powerful. I know the world I am living in. At least based on my perception. It is a world where the point of reference begins with the self. What is truth, what is my origins, what is morality, all begins with the self. You need not move on any further than if this if you take another position. We are living in a triggered world. But this story is shared with great hopes that it encourages you. But again I reiterate, There are three connecting conditions that I would like to lay before you

Giving an answer for your Hope (Prepared?)

1 Peter 3:14-16 " 14  But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed.   Have no fear of them ,  nor be troubled,   15  but  in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy ,  always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and  respect ,   16  having a good conscience , so that,  when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame ." You may have read this before many times. To some who knows this might be something new. For those who have seen it... Feel free to just roll your eyes like the picture below. Seen this, read it, known it....pfffft So let us let scripture speak for itself. It starts off with that if you should suffer for righteousness you will be blessed. Let's pause there. Fact check me, but in Hebrew one of the many translations of blessed is Ashrei which means happy. Hence Asher means happiness. So

Waiting through my eyes (The truth revealed)

I suck at it  Yes waiting. Not quite what you expected as a first line huh. Let's chat. Waiting on the Lord has always been an ongoing lesson for me. Year after year one of the main themes I feel God called me to learn was learning to wait/slow down. Not just on him but in many other aspects. Each year with a different context and reason. But the message was always the same. I was somehow impatient or I needed to slow down. And at the end of each year I would go "lord I think I get it now". I was far from the truth.  And I am grateful learning that harsh truth was out of grace and humility . God provided me the platform to fail to see and His grace has always been sufficient for me nonetheless.  Now slowly I am starting to see how I am rushing through things. My mind races so fast with a jillion thoughts coming in through and my processor is overworked. On the outside I may portray a more calm demeanor, but on the inside not so and even I am unawar