
Showing posts from July 8, 2012

True love nullifies dating

Humans are humans after all. I can't remember the numerous times I have stated that we no matter how objective we may want to stand, at various times allow our emotions to control us. At times yes it may be needed, but most of the time, it is acting foolishly in the end. True love nullifies dating. If you think, dating being guided by the world's attitude actually portray's the love for one's self and making decisions on what is best for me (we can go deeper on what is true love into this if you readers want it) . Yes probably we need to go deeper on true love but the question I would like to pose here is this. What is my real reason for dating?  What am I seeking in dating that friendship cannot provide?  Am I selfishly seeking my own fulfilment, to fill that empty hole in my heart, to feel like I belong, to feel complete?  What do I talk about with my partner?  Am I arousing emotions I'm not ready to meet? and for Christians, will having a relationship