
Showing posts from October 16, 2010


I mean, isn't it obvious? End times are near. Now blah blah blah...they'll say the world will become worse. Still, it is so sad. Evil doings, evil thoughts, and words that come out from man. Why? Why must we be selfish? Why must we have lust and greed. If we overcome it, wouldn't it be much much better for the world? To see corruption even in the institution of the family. Ah forget the politics. Power and money can change people and it has certainly changed them. I mean when you see family backstabbing each other. Brothers killing brothers. Husbands turning away from their wives. Hold on...This is not so sad. This is actually PATHETIC. Agreed? Yeah, Lame pathetic crap. Families doing this. Being so naive for those who experience it. But still pathetic is the word for such things to happen in the family.BTW please do not link this post with my life. For those who know me, I am one of the happiest person you can find on earth. Contented with life. But my point stays for fami