
Showing posts from July, 2016

Running the Race on/in Phillipians (Things I left out)

Disclaimer that this time it is a specific Christian oriented post. Due to the lack of time and immense amount of content to share last week I did miss out certain things on "running the race" . But for the sake of the readers, I will do a short recap on Phillipians 3 and 4 in terms of running this race. As you read through Phillipians 3 you will see Paul mentions on running towards this goal. What is the goal we are talking about? The goal is ultimately Jesus Christ. Before that he makes sure that the Phillipians understand that righteousness is not by works but by faith and faith in Christ. Righteousness that was fulfilled through Christs' death, resurrection and life. Before he talked on pressing on the goal he has yet to attain, he makes sure that the church knows the worth of the goal. To the point that Paul would regard everything else as garbage compared to the worth of knowing Christ . That is the standard Paul is giving. That is how much of value Christ brin