
Showing posts from April, 2016

I just did not want to slow down.

My walk with God is nothing short of being constantly humbled. The goal is realizing more of Him and less of me. He increases while I decrease. The whole of 2015, the lesson for me was slowing down. In everything I do. I always thought I was a happy go lucky person. People saw me and they affirmed it. I thought I was too. Little did I know that all the planning was going through my head. My brains were moving so fast, perhaps even faster than society itself. I always liked things done quickly.                                                      Countless times the Lord will tell me to slow down through various means for various context and reasons from my relationships all the way to my career. Each time I heard, I listened, and I obeyed ( At least I thought I did ). Here is where I made my mistake. Even the act of slowing down I wanted to rush the process. I would go "okay, okay slow down, okay what do I have to do? tell me and I will do it. C'mon I ain't got all day