
Showing posts from August, 2016

(LCW) A Victory Bigger than a Gold Medal

Before I begin,  let me start off with this. This will not be some post that is to make you feel better. This is not some post to show where our Dato' Lee went wrong. I am not going to say "at least he beat Lin Dan"  or " He won three silver medals and that is a feat".  I will not sugar coat the situation. After all the essence of this blog is to tell the truth graciously . If I do not stay true to that then I have missed the point of this whole post in itself. There, our hero. Our pride. Among many other heroes of Malaysia. Let's not deny the grief of the loss. Let's not deny that it sucks. Dato' Lee Chong Wei, we empathize with you and even then we do not fully understand how you feel. It sucks that the gold medal was so close within your reach. It hurts that you were so apologetic and that you felt you let the nation down (I am not assuming anything) although you have done so much more for the country. The fact that u apologize even then.

Why I quit playing Pokémon Go

Before anything, do follow  @malaysianchristianmemes  on  insta . All right. Let me put out certain disclaimers so that I don't be misunderstood . This is not some same old post on how Pokémon is demonic. This is not a response post against those who wrote that Pokémon is demonic. This is more of a personal post to why I stopped the game. So I will leverage this generations egocentric belief system and say this is me and I do not impose anything on you. So you don't need to go judging me for not playing it as well. For my friends and family out there who are playing this is by no means saying it is wrong. This is just a personal sharing of my life on how the game has affected me personally. 1. The Hype Now that it is out of the way. I never intended to play this game. But friends around me were downloading and I thought sure fine. For the sake of nostalgia as I grew up with Pokémon. It brings back good memories. And the idea of traveling and catching Pokémon was in