
Showing posts from October, 2009

Writter's feeling

I am on the brink of the cliff. Looking down under wishing the wind would not push me. I wonder and ponder to myself under deep comtemplation, how is it like down there? Is it scary? maybe it is not. Just because of the older people who told you what it might be like down there, there is no reason to believe. Stressing on the part where they said might too. But in the end logically we do not jump as the probability of not going back is high and we do not take the chance but follow the norm...That is to be on the safer side.


The Study of life my @$$. All You need to know is that you came from your mothers womb that's it. But Bio is like from the cell itself! I hate bio because of paper 3 where one writes experiment. hate it! Today I messed up my bio. My friends would keep this term in mind where they say do together...and die together( in bio of course). Arrghh. Now its just too late, and we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect.


Exam Is tomorrow. Good luck to all the form 4's. I on the other hand is preparing for battle. Putting on my amours of books and more books. My weapon is my pens and liquids. Back up is my smarter friends to give me answers when I do not know....LMAO=.= just joking. My plan is to keep a cool head and be focused. WAAAAAAAAACHAAAAAAAAA here we go!


People tell me, to grow, we must experience problems. I on the other hand do not experience problems but I know I have changed for the better. I was insatiably curious about this. Why does it not fit my source's theory? Well I asked my mom and she said just be grateful and do not ask for trouble. Well I sort of agreed with her but the curiosity was killing me inside. Up until now I have not found the perfect answer or picture but all I start to notice is that problems happen around me and not to me. I see people going through problems. I came up with a new theory, that we can learn from peoples problems without facing them. Cool Isn't it? But lets face it, I am still young. Who knows one day I be facing with a fierce lion or something like that.