
Showing posts from July 26, 2012

Dating will have intimacy, may have no Commitment

" Dating leads to intimacy but not necessarily to commitment " Joshua Harris made that statement in his book 'I kissed dating goodbye '. I do not totally agree with his book and it is based on his convictions, but still he does prove a good point. Lets keep it short and simple  =)  I guarantee that most of you would not agree with what I have to share here but don't you think it makes sense? Intimacy would awaken desires that humans can't control and if we do have that commitment, it would be like promising something we can't or will not keep. Lets rephrase the title to ' Intimacy is the reward of commitment '. I believe we have no right of asking a person to satisfy your emotional and physical needs if you are not willing to make a commitment. It takes a lot to give yourself to someone (not just sex), and if you are not looking for a committed relationship would only have the person scared after breaking up with them. One may claim the