
Showing posts from March, 2012

There is no such thing as 'The One'

The last time I blogged about The One it was about me not knowing the answer and complaining everyone who found their 'ONE' saying you'll just know when the time comes. Seriously that answer just did not suffice. After making lots of research (which means there will be citations inside here), this is what I have come to conclude. You never marry 'The One'. I begin with what Keller (2012) said "  Today we are looking for someone who accepts us as we are  and  fulfills our desires, and this creates an unrealistic set of expectations that frustrates both the searchers and the searched for." .   Today as I have always said, marriage has somewhat lost its significance in the eyes of the word. The reasons people get married was because they claim they were ' So in Love ' then once they get into on, and the years pass by , they find that initial love they use to have is not able to sustain them.  We are missing the point of marriage here! We always wa

Just Help me

My survival mode is on. I am hanging in there. =) Its stupid to get involved in petty issues like this. Though petty, it is important to me. What I tell myself? When are you gonna release me God when you have drawn me back like an arrow? How far you are gonna draw me back till I can go the furthest to hit the target?? I understand if you want me to go far, you have to pull me back at a proper distance at first.  God's grace is sufficient for me. I shall be dependent on God's provision. I shall trust the Lord and throw my brain away and have a childlike faith. A faith that would want to move mountains. I shall not lean on to my own understanding.  I know the end results is worth it. It is just unfortunate for me. Of all people I was chosen for this. Lord give me  a sign . Something that assures me to know I am on the right track. Whatever it is take me away from this feeling. My first lament in a long time. Did not know where else to pour it out.

Questions? or is there more than that?

Questions were formed to help clarify that you wanted answers. Without questions, no one would know that you needed an answer. Otherwise we would be like Neanderthals screaming our heads off if we wanted to drink when all we needed to say was " Hey, I'm thirsty, can I have something to drink?".                  But even with questions, more often than not we do not get our answer. Why is that? Are we asking the wrong questions? Are we afraid to ask the right one? Many times in life I find myself asking the wrong question and at the same time, the answer does not need a question. The answer would sometimes be right in front of me. Haha, I'm slow.                  Our Y generation nowadays always want things simple, quick and fast. We would not want to wait. We want to take the escape route . We say things like " I do not want to think about it", " I just want to get over with it and move on", " I hate it when this happens, or when that ha