
Showing posts from April 30, 2012

Are you an Oyster?

Ok before I begin, I think we all know what an oyster is. Is that little gooey thingy that lives in a hard shell? Well if you are still confused.... G o o g l e it. This is a summary of a statement by Dr.Maxwell Maltz. As I have said in my previous posts that to love is one risky thing. You make yourself vulnerable, and chances are high to get hurt and your heart aches and bleed. But in the end, I always believe we end up stronger and continue loving. Orrrrrrrr We could just protect ourselves in a strong protective shell from the world where no one can hurt us and we will never be sad....Like an oyster. Maltz said to live creatively, one must be wiling to be a little vulnerable thus  be willing to hurt a little.  To love, to be open, to disclose your live's information would also mean at some point, you are gonna get hurt. You could shell up like an oyster and never experience those moments or " turn the other cheek ", remain vulnerable and continue living cr