
Showing posts from 2013

My 2013

This is my 2013. Initially I thought the whole year was a year of fun and happiness and very little of the lows. It is really funny as I go through my journals, it is actually the other way around. The name of this year "The Unfailing God". Reading through my journal I have been in more lows than highs. But here is what I would like to share with you all. It was a year of me preparing the field for God to send his rain and of course, in the process there were times when I was clouded by my desires, my human intellect, my inability to discern. It was a year that made me realize I still do not fully trust him after all. So God was a mission to change that. I was placed in circumstances countless times where all I could do was depend on Him. Only when you are brought down to nothing in weakness is where his great strength truly shows. And so God reveals a little bit of himself day by day to me. Seriously, I come to realize, where will I be without God? Who will I be? Tr

Do you have love?

Before I began, I am not saying I have a perfect understanding of love and that you all should listen to me. But I am here trying to show you in a small way what love should be. Think about for a moment, what was the first thing that went through your mind when a someone or lets make it a friend, messes up? He lost his temper and started swearing non stop. She cheated on someone. He back stabbed another. I would come to understand that (including me) the first thought would be a judgemental one. If you guys are not then you may stop reading, it is not for you, you are wasting your time if you are reading this. You are fine. I admit that at times I also fail at this aspect. It is indeed hard to love as I am. When difficult people come along the way. But then again, love is not suppose to only make you feel good. It calls you out to be inconvenienced. If love is self sacrificial, then "loving" in a manner where it is easy does not really cut it. When we hear about Christ

Christians angry with God?

I like to raise up a question. About being angry with God. Now I will not touch the intellectual or theological depth of this part. I will try to be simple.           I believe as Christians we have expectations and people place expectations on us. Christians are suppose to be " good " with good " behaviours " doing the " right " thing. Some were taught not to be angry with God. Oh it is not God's fault, he is in control, he knows what is best. But if you'd ask me, as true as it is as claimed in the Bible, how helpful can that answer be? I know it by head but the experiences changes the premises of my heart. I want to believe, but my human understanding limits me.              Secretly in our lives we are angry at God at one point at time or another. For those who deny this, correct me if I am wrong, I come to understand we are in denial of our emotions. C'mon, there is always a point where we hit our peak and blow our top off at God. A

Something to ponder on faith 2

Before I begin. I just wanna clarify something =). When I said faith does not make sense, I am not asking you to reject logic and reason. Reason is what we need to construct ideas and logic is a gateway to check how valid the ideas and arguments are . I am just saying, at least for me, one should not make reason and logic the centre of truth. I am rejecting its supremacy . We so need reason and logic to survive wey...hahaha. What can I say? =). I read about Abraham and it struck me the amount of faith he had. Think about it. Abraham was some dungu,chikai ( in laymen's term, somewhat a nobody) person who lived in Ur and he heard a voice to ask him to leave his home and go somewhere else.....Guess what? He obeyed that voice! Seriously, if it were me I would say to that voice.. ." Dude, you crazy? I got a good thing going on here...". But that was how the relationship started with God. He obeyed. Imagine the immense faith it took for him to obey that voice. A frien

Something to ponder on faith

Gosh been so busy that this blog has been left hanging. Anyway, hmmmm, it is just a thought after reading some books. Well, you guys probably must have heard me say this a million times that my religion is not a religion, it is more of a relationship with God. Like, some people do not really get it. They go...Huh? What? It is hard to actually grasp the idea of a God wanting to have an intimacy relationship with a human . If I were not a Christian, believe me, I probably would give the same response. I mean c'mon, I believe in a gospel that says "God sent himself to pay himself for the sins against himself" . So saying I have sinned so God sent Jesus to die on the cross for me to be eternally reconciled with God again. Again, if I were not a Christian, I would say this does not add up at all. But we are not gonna dwell on this today =) What I wanna share with you guys is this. Faith itself. At the end of the day, it takes faith to believe in what I believe no matte

The Prayer

Usually you get all those "socially desired" prayers. Prayers that are meant to be said. cliche. One that anyone can memorise and say it. But our God is a personal God. He wants to know your heart. Pray from your heart. Be real. If you are afraid of him knowing what you did wrong newsflash people, he is omniscient. HE KNOWS! Lord, I am on the edge. Truly. I know what the Bible says. I know Be still and know that you are God. I know you have a way. I know you are my comfort. But Lord, I come to you know pouring my heart out to You. I am angry, frustrated, clueless, confused with where I am now. I so need your grace and mercy. Holy Spirit I truly ask that you guide me through. I ask you give me strength. I see you working in other places but that one area that affects my focus most....Father? As trivial as it may sound, look at what it has done? I cannot move forward father, I just can't. Listen to my plea. I feel like crap now. I am honest. I won't hide the emotion

All hope is not lost

Fellow Malaysians, truly this is something unexpected. We knew they were desperate, we just did not know it would go to this extend. Just to make you guys realise what has been achieved. We lost the general elections ( like it, I said we =P), but have reach to many new frontiers. We have truly created awareness among the current generation. We were very much united as one in our decision. The Nation was as strong as ever =). You feel it? =) It shows all the more how we are not to lose hope and continue fighting as hard as ever from now on. Yes I am proud of all the Malaysians who voted. Who truly made the difference. Look around you, you did make a difference. You are well aware of that fact. Just know things happen. Yeap, life is thaaat uncertain huh =). All is said and done on my facebook so yeah I am not going to write some long sob story or anything. This serves merely as a reminder that all hope is not lost. But just gotten stronger. Do not stay in despair. Grieve

The Heart of a Disciple Maker

I guess this post is for all the Christians out there. But anyone can read it as well =) My pastor once told me that the Christian life is about being disciples and making disciples.                                    Now, we know that God called us to go forth and preach the Good News. We know what we were called to do. All of us were called to a ministry of reconciliation. But yet again, I would like to ask you. Why do you want to make disciples? aside from the obvious answer. The Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 16:7 " The  Lord  does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance,  but the  Lord  looks at the heart.”  If all we do is focus on our religious activity then of course the Pharisees would have won the first prize for they were pious... on the outside. God sees the              S ome of us when we share the Gospel, we may come of as condescending, " You do not believe in Jesus, you go to Hell!" (Example la) I m

Transparency, my personal way of living

I believe in essence I have somewhat blogged about this. Being transparent is coming as you are . The real you. Last year I wrote a post on acting being a daily routine  on how we act in life not being our true selves. Now I will try to share with you why I believe it is essential to be transparent. To be that open book =) Not until you are fully known, you will not be fully loved . Think about it, you can only be loved to the point where you are known. Logic? Well that is why I try to be as honest as I can be about myself. That being said, I too draw a line in disclosing my information. But when you stop pretending, you'll notice that you are more alive, or you come alive =). You do not hide . That sense of freedom I understand there is always the fear of not being accepted, but then, you put on a persona and be someone you are not just to be part of something you think you want to be to please the people you think you want to please. From my experience, true friends will love

One small favour gives us a huge opportunity

All right I can't believe my next post will be about something like this. But....anyone who is reading this, it would be awesome if you help vote for my band Ruth Meets Ashton Erm Just like the page, the go to the link below again and find for my band and do vote =) Here is the video =) Here is the link =) It is a WWF Earth Hour band competition to create awareness =). Maintaining top 5 will give us the opportunity to perform at Sunway Pyramid and battle it out =)