
Showing posts from May 27, 2010


I think putting the exclamation mark would always catch people's attention. So today, suddenly I had the urge of sharing to you guys....and gals about men. Men can either be a woman's protector and refuge or your worst nightmare. Lately, it is leaning on your worst nightmare. Men have been cheating, having mistresses, smacking their wives, and heck much more that men are capable of and that my mind cannot imagine anything else inhumane. News around me saying the wife left him cause he was cheating, another story goes says that a little boy raped an older girl. It saddens me to see the condition of men now. Sure men have those sexual temptations but man?! We were born to no only have those but to be able to control them. Men these days just do not want to control it cause it is satisfying for them. I promise to never be like any one of them. Even television shows how man can be violent. Man I hope the men who read this do not come after me XP. Heck Even in novels for examp