
Showing posts from March 31, 2016

My Beef with Unconditional Love

Before I begin anything, let me clarify that this is not some exegesis or expansion on some theological idea. But rather, the angle I will bring forward today is rather a more genuine real view on what unconditional love is. Another clarification, having an issue with unconditional love does not mean I do not embrace it either. So what do I mean when I say I have a beef with unconditional love? Let's figure it out together. A friend once told me closest form of unconditional love with our eyes is through our parents. A baby born into the world. Can barely do anything other than poop and cry and make cute faces. Yet regardless of the inconvenience we bring to our parents as a baby they still love us. Generally no matter what we do, no matter how bad we are, no matter what we can offer to the table, our parents will love us unconditionally. Generally. Yes we do take account the outliers of abusive parents and what not. I'm talking about the general public. Even then, there ar