
Showing posts from May, 2011

Relationships are worth restoring

Just to be clear, when I said relationships I did not limit myself to just boyfriend/girlfriend but to every kind of possible relationships in this world. Relationships are always worth restoring. They are what matters most in life. Relationship with God,friends, siblings, with your boss, parents, soul mate, wife, children, etc. They build bridges between each other. If your live as a hermit, live within the shadows, think your are better off alone, then you wont grow. We can only grow in a community where we learn from our mistakes, humble ourselves,....wait getting off point here. Life is all about love. Love is the most powerful thing. We should learn how to love . For me, I would like to be in the ministry of restoring relationships. For those who do not know what ministry means, it means some kind of governing body or main focus in a job. For this case, governing body for restoring relationships. They are worth restoring because every relationship hold opportunities in greatness

True Forgiveness

This is based on my pastor's preaching. Sorry I did not update my blog for the past week...Had my quizzes to deal with. True forgiveness, what do you know about forgiveness? It is about letting go of the grudge you've been having and grant pardon to that particular person who offended you.Forgiveness means saying NO to revenge and resentment. Do whatever it takes to not retaliate. Forgiving is something that humans would not normally do. Humans by nature are selfish. " An eye for an eye "? right? You hit me I hit you back. What we should actually do, is to not retaliate and hold that grudge. Instead we act differently by being nice to them and forgiving them. By doing this we are like putting hot coals on our enemy's head which means embarrassing them. Cause if we were to retaliate the same way, wouldn't that make us the same as them? We be kind to them and this will create a proper sense of shame. What I like about forgiveness is that it does not requ

Why Gossiping is BAD

I am afraid that almost all of us are guilty of this "offense". When people hear the word gossip, it usually goes along with girls. But the fact is, guys gossip too. I am so sorry if I even gossiped. I feel really bad gossiping. Gossip is not helpful at all. Gossip actually serves to break the trust of those the people around you. Talking about someone is fine, but when you talk on topics that ruins ones reputation, then that is bad. Will you like it if someone is talking behind your back? NO! But yet we do it. I fall short of this gossiping and I am guilty of it. Every time when I notice I gossip, I'll just say to myself " STOP! STOP!" It destroys ones credibility towards you. Gossip is also like judging . I mean, who are we to judge? We are all humans. We are all sinners. We are all not perfect.God is in charge of judging people. Think. Think all of you. When you gossip, the implications. What it does to the victim. Imagine if you were him. How bad does