
Showing posts from March 2, 2013

Transparency, my personal way of living

I believe in essence I have somewhat blogged about this. Being transparent is coming as you are . The real you. Last year I wrote a post on acting being a daily routine  on how we act in life not being our true selves. Now I will try to share with you why I believe it is essential to be transparent. To be that open book =) Not until you are fully known, you will not be fully loved . Think about it, you can only be loved to the point where you are known. Logic? Well that is why I try to be as honest as I can be about myself. That being said, I too draw a line in disclosing my information. But when you stop pretending, you'll notice that you are more alive, or you come alive =). You do not hide . That sense of freedom I understand there is always the fear of not being accepted, but then, you put on a persona and be someone you are not just to be part of something you think you want to be to please the people you think you want to please. From my experience, true friends will love