
Showing posts from March, 2016

My Beef with Unconditional Love

Before I begin anything, let me clarify that this is not some exegesis or expansion on some theological idea. But rather, the angle I will bring forward today is rather a more genuine real view on what unconditional love is. Another clarification, having an issue with unconditional love does not mean I do not embrace it either. So what do I mean when I say I have a beef with unconditional love? Let's figure it out together. A friend once told me closest form of unconditional love with our eyes is through our parents. A baby born into the world. Can barely do anything other than poop and cry and make cute faces. Yet regardless of the inconvenience we bring to our parents as a baby they still love us. Generally no matter what we do, no matter how bad we are, no matter what we can offer to the table, our parents will love us unconditionally. Generally. Yes we do take account the outliers of abusive parents and what not. I'm talking about the general public. Even then, there ar

Batman V Superman (My Verdict)

Okay the only reason I am writing this is because I am basically a DC fan. So I am well aware of my biases. However, I thought my as well just give it a go. Now before I begin, know that this is purely all in theory but on the basis of the evidences provided in the movie. This is just my thoughts and I do not religiously follow the comics. So I am not imposing them on anyone. Thus, there is no need for an argument. I warn you that there are spoilers up ahead so do read at your own risk.  Any who, let us begin.                                                                                                                                                          Batman Vs Superman My Beef with it Let's start of with what I did not like about it. I will admit, the movie can get draggy. Lots of slow mos. And the 20 death scene of superman was somewhat unnecessary. I mean pleaaaase, we all know superman will not die. So it was a lot of wasted time. Then I found out Zack Sny

My Pioneers. The 1601s and 1507(Aus, CATs)

My first batch of students. Ranging from 15 years old to 21. All 520 of them. Only 8 weeks. But an amazing journey nonetheless. A whole mixture of students with different wavelengths. It has been an honour and privilege to be a part of their 8 weeks. A tiny fraction of their lives. Oh this is inclusive of the 1507 from Ausmats as well. But in general the 1601s are my first batch and theirs to me.  What is more I am constantly bumping in them in the lrt. About to take out my book,  "hi sir!". About to listen to music,  "sir!". Hahaha it's fine. Not complaining. I'm used to it. I will surely bump into one of them in the morning and another when I leave after work. It is nice to know that some of them want to even go home with me. Hence they wait. In general it is a good gauge of how you are as a lecturer and it is a positive thing. What is the honour is that this 23 year old was given the opportunity to journey with the students, impact them in whateve