
Showing posts from June, 2012

Be silent, and listen

What does it mean to wait, be silent , and listen?   Before I begin, I also be silent and think, whether this would bore you readers .....and then I continue XP  The words silent and listen are usually used in a parallel manner if you noticed. Doing these three things needs patience. There is always a time to be silent and a time to speak . One cannot listen if they are not silent. Sometimes, wisdom does not come from telling people what you know, showing them you are right, proving them wrong, later on to feel all high and mighty. Sometimes wisdom also means to be silent, hear them out, listen to all their wrongs and rights and taking it in. The right time will come to say the right words. Ever heard of.. ." It was the right thing to say, but wrong time to do it"? Yeah it is as you have read it. One can cause unfavourable damage if they keep speaking but on the other hand, one can lose opportunities when they become silent at times when they are needed to be heard.


I am not sure whether I blogged on fear before. But if I did, well then take it as a second post on fear then. I am not expert on fear but this is what I know. Fear limits you . One thing is for sure, fear can come in many forms and not just the " Oh I am scared " kind of fear. Anxiety, doubts, timidity, worry, suspicion, depression, loneliness, superstition and the list goes on.              Somewhat fear is related to my previous post on being an oyster (link of the post)  which I think is about worrying and having doubts on what is outside your comfort zone that you stay in your shell not knowing what is out there. Thus, being fearful. For example, No one is afraid to say I love you, they are just afraid of the response. Now he or she worries of the response and fear of rejection. Worry is a fear. Or No one is afraid to speak up in class, they are just afraid of what people might think of them. But you also see how it limits you. To the extreme you end up doin