
Showing posts from December 14, 2010


Women, a creation of God meant to accompany the lonely man. Years gone by the the roles of women have changed a lot. But that is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk generally about women. Don't you think they are the hardest creature to read? With the mood swings and unpredictable actions, you just do not know them sometimes. You think that she is happy sometimes she just blows of her lid. (Probablye because of menstruation or menopause)(no offense girls). But yet, their feminine side attracts the males. Ok I do not know the statistics but I know women do misunderstand that most man always go for the looks, the beauty and nothing else.(=.= ok well they probably do) But I am here to justify a few things.Yes men are attracted to beauty and would usually be a preference but that does not mean they will choose them in the end. Not all men choose that.Men do choose a girl in personality(very important) beauty usually comes after that. I have said previously in my blog