Wawasan 2020 (A short sighted one)
It is
interesting right? Malaysia since the early 90s have been talking about vision
2020. Better lifestyle, flying cars, better jobs, whatever the vision can
imagine. Sky is the limit.
But such a
vision to talk about futuristic things of a better lifestyle and what not. Is
it truly THE vision? To call it vision 2020 is our eyes actually truly seeing
20/20? Is our Vision, 20/20?
I totally
thought my vision would be. But looking at it now it was probably 10/20. Let me

Oh, my
whole life changed all right. One word. PANDEMIC. It is truly a humbling
experience if not the most. That whole MMORPG upgrade I was looking for, was
not happening as how I thought it would be. Economy has been brought down to
its knees by a virus. Wedding is probably getting postponed. Probably not
moving to a new place to be safe. The academic route is still on going. New job
is an ever-learning process. But no one in their vision 2020 anticipated a
pandemic. I list down my 2020 vision, but I know it is not just me. Everyone’s
2020 vision had some sort of good in it without considering the addition of
During this
MCO, time awarded me, yes to do my work more efficiently, but also read,
exercise, and rest. It is in the reading and resting that got me thinking, we
create and plan for the year 2020. But what was God’s vision of 2020? You see
the only 2020 vision that mattered was what God saw in all of this. Before you
all ask whether God sent COVID-19 or not which will lead us down the rabbit
hole of theological discussions on evil, suffering, and predestination. Let me
just say, regardless of it this I know is true. God is sovereign and in
control. Corona or not, that virus is not free to do as it pleases in God’s
control and God can use corona as a tool for His purposes. If you find that
hard to believe, hello, we just celebrated Good Friday and Easter. What was
deemed as the greatest evil? The crucifixion. At that time, meant for maximum
pain and maximum humiliation was deemed the greatest good by God. Why? God was
faithful to His covenant to Israel that He would provide the lamb that takes
the sins of the world. In Christ.
He was crucified and died for our sins and was resurrected in
accordance with the Bible for forgiveness of sins to be available and for us to
be a new creation. Can you imagine at that point how confused
the disciples would have been before the resurrection? But after seeing the
resurrected Jesus it all clicked.
Likewise. God is control even now. But I am not here to have a
battle of reactive theology with anyone right now. (That is my next post on
reactive verses reflective theology). But I am here to just share two simple
reflections as I am forced to just be still at home.
1. Take off your sandals
God is truly awesome. And I am not saying He is
“cool brah”. No I mean awesome as in AWE. Psalms 46:10 tells us to BE STILL and
KNOW that I am God. There is a two-factor thing going on here. When you KNOW
who God is, the first thing to do is BE STILL before Him and wait on Him. Why?
The Psalmist continues that “I will be exalted among the nations and the
earth”. Throughout Psalms 46 it talks about God being a refuge and strength and
how by the utterance of His word nations will melt. But at the end of it, we
are to be still and know. Know what? Know that through it all, God is still
going to be exalted among the nations and the earth. I was humbled at that
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Let us take off our sandals |
God wants to remind us considering EVERYTHING
that is happening, His glory and holiness is still the focus. So, take off your
sandals. In Exodus 3 the first thing God told Moses to do at their encounter
was to take off his sandals for he was on holy ground. In Joshua 5, when Joshua
met the Commander of the LORD’s army, first thing he was told to do was? You’ve
guessed it, the same as Moses. In Luke 10, when Martha was so busy serving,
Mary was by His feet which was the BETTER thing. In Matthew 6, we are told to
“Seek first, His Kingdom and His righteousness” – and everything else
will be added on.
God’s focus for us was to always
realize He comes first. So, what do I do in this MCO? I Take off my sandals.
2. Take off your expectations
I thought this was going to be it. The year of total change. But my expectations of change were sorely wrong. Proverbs 19:21 says that many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. Oh, I had many plans from the wedding, to a change in lifestyle, to disciple others, to grow. All the plans were God glorifying in intentions. But even if my intentions were good, it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. I forgot to ask what the purpose of the Lord in all of this is. I was rather reactive, waiting on the government to do something. Waiting to see how things will turn about. Seeing the education system. Talking about end times. But I forgot to slow down and ask “Lord, what is your purpose in all this? Where are you heading with all this? What am I to do as the body of Christ in times like these?”
Do not get me wrong. Oh
I am so bumped at the notion of postponing my wedding. I will not pretend that
it does not suck. But Ecclesiastes 7:13 reminds us Consider the work of God:
who can make straight what he has made crooked? Rather than asking, Lord why or
Lord help. I have lost the words to pray. Which my fiancée says it is good.
Because all is left is to ask God “okay, you win, now what?” Let us consider
the work of God, consider that every decade there is some sort of economical
breakdown. 1918 Spanish flu (millions die), 1928- The great depression, 1938 –
World War 2 Begins (formally in 1939), well you get the flow. Consider then
what God is doing throughout all this. Rather than trying to straighten a road
he has made crooked. LOOK at the crooked road and ASK the right questions.
that’s that. I have no theological exposition or deep revelations to share. But
I am asking us to take off our sandals and take off our expectations (guess
this applies more to Christians), seek first His Kingdom, and ask what is the
purpose of the Lord? Knowing the purpose will allow you to know where to stand
for the purpose of the LORD WILL stand. Then Consider his work. What is he
doing in times like these? Then maybe. Just maybe. We might get a glimpse of
what this VISION 2020 is all about.
I can only
hope there is a call for repentance in times like these. I hope we do not
harden our hearts like pharaoh. I pray that we are humbled at the reality of
our humanity.
By the way, do follow @malaysianchristianmemes on insta.
Writer: Eddryll By the way, do follow @malaysianchristianmemes on insta.
Author's views are his own and does not represent the entire team
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