Online Wedding (How to guide)

Before I begin, the more personal account of the wedding (stories, experiences, highs and lows) could be found here . Prologue I know and I empathize to what some of you might say. And yes I have heard them. "I want the sort of wedding where there are hundreds of people looking at me in my white gown as I enter the hall in a shy manner" or "I would just love the colour coordination and theme that would be so cool" It would be so nice to have that dream wedding. That one day moment. And I totally get it. So allow me to respond to give context before providing you the guide. God instituted marriage and being married is a good thing (not the ultimatum). But in light of that, it is God that ultimately dictates how one gets married not the ideals of human traditions. Again not saying that those traditions are wrong. And if you are willing to wait to have that experience by all means. But marriage is a good design by God and when you have the biblical benchmarks ready one...