Summary Experience in EARC =)

It was the best investment ever made in my memory to go for EARC. East Asia Regional Conference, a once in three years conference held by the FES (Fellowship of Evangelical Students). Boohoo for those who did not went =P. It truly has been a humbling experience. I admit that pride makes an occasional appearance in my life. I came into EARC subtly thinking that I know enough. Though aware of it, I am in this habit of boxing God in my theology. Irony is that I tell others not to do so. God is so so so much greater than that. I came in not knowing what to expect while others came in with a clear purpose and a goal with questions larger than themselves. But me, besides the idea to learn, I had no clue. Grateful that it was revealed on the first session of Isaiah’s exposition. (Sidetrack) Original Eddryll Joke. Isaiah’s name was called so cause in Chapter 6 of the book of Isaiah, when he beheld God’s glory he realized his deep sin and was sure he was gonna die and he shouted ...