Summary Experience in EARC =)

It was the best investment ever made in my memory to go for EARC. East Asia Regional Conference, a once in three years conference held by the FES (Fellowship of Evangelical Students).  Boohoo for those who did not went =P. It truly has been a humbling experience. I admit that pride makes an occasional appearance in my life. I came into EARC subtly thinking that I know enough. Though aware of it, I am in this habit of boxing God in my theology. Irony is that I tell others not to do so. God is so so so much greater than that. I came in not knowing what to expect while others came in with a clear purpose and a goal with questions larger than themselves. But me, besides the idea to learn, I had no clue. Grateful that it was revealed on the first session of Isaiah’s exposition.

(Sidetrack) Original Eddryll Joke.
Isaiah’s name was called so cause in Chapter 6 of the book of Isaiah, when he beheld God’s glory he realized his deep sin and was sure he was gonna die and he shouted “Aaaaahhhh sei ahhhhh! (ahhhh sure die!)”…..Laugh if you must =P.

Looking at the exposition of Isaiah, I came to realize how narrow minded I have been. In a way knowing the importance of the great commandment, for me I it became looking only at the great commandment and nothing else when God had plans greater than that.

Pride. You come with a mindset that you know more or you think you know enough. The moment that happens and as humans I do believe it inevitably will happen to most of us, we have lost the battle putting our own barrier to our growth. I too would have missed the point with this mindset but by His grace, I was able to throw that mindset and listen. Oh how I have been missing so many things on Isaiah from his character. So much more of God's revelation had been revealed to me. From Isaiah's character to the weight of God;s glory as well as coming to realize God's original plan of restoration, a hollistic Gospel. When scriptures said " For God so loved the world..." He meant the whole world, in a cosmic point of view not just the people in the world. Both the environment and relationship. Yes I meant we all did know the importance of the environment and social issues but how many of us actually truly cared?

I also came to learn how everyone is called in to full time ministry but not full time ministry in the church. I always agreed with that statement, but now I understand it better. While a pastor or a missionary can cover lots of ground in the Christian ministry, they cannot cover everything. God too has placed lawyers, architect, businessmen and all of them have their specific purpose. For the sake of the length of this post I will not expound on scriptures on this. Make no mistake the great commandment still stands, God's command to love still stands. But put it in a lens of a larger perspective, wow. My basic understandings were re-oriented as I learned. 

Now, as for the people, ever heard of the verse every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord? Well, I got a glimpse of that. Witnessing the unity of Christs' Church from most of East asia regions and nations worshiping one God. Celebrating the beauty of the many denominations and styles. Culture barriers, language barriers and others all broken under the unity of Christ. I was constantly moved to tears from day 1 till the end. It was glorious, beautiful. To see how they open up, being transparent with each other and with their not so perfect English language, encourage one another. 

To know how other student movement is like form other campuses and countries. How students, reach out to the community, how they function and how their Christian Fellowship structures are like. They were on fire for God and not to compare, but in all brutal honesty, Malaysia seems to still be in their comfort zone. Nonetheless, it was very encouraging. You hear of Christians raising up questions greater than themselves, concerning their nations. Furthermore, I also got to learn from many students and leaders as I communicate with them, their point of views, prayers, advice and encouragement.

OK this is really long. I shall stop. To conclude, I still do not have the full answers at the end of the day. i am still learning. Grateful that EARC has broadened my capacity to learn. To be priviledge to be part of this movement which you guys can too. And I encourage others to go for the next one in Korea. Save up your money please. 

Thank you for the other campuses who made me feel welcome and be like one of theirs seeing that I was the only one from HELP university. I am so so grateful to have met this bunch of God loving, God seeking, people and I am missing a whole bunch of them now. 
Peace out. 


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