My Testimony(My Grandmother)

So lately I haven't been updating my blog. I'll tell you why now. After my finals, I had to go to Penang, to visit my ill grandmother. My mother was pestering me and my brother to hurry back afraid she would not make it. My friends could see it in my face that I was troubled. So I did go to Penang with my friends on one Sunday morning. BTW, my grandmother suffered from cancer of the pancreas.
Seeing my grandmother...
I was in shock, she was so frail and thin. I ask her how was she and she replied " What do you think?". I said " You look, very thin grandma" and she nodded. She was really weak. The next day she could not speak at all. She had no energy to open her eyes or even utter a word, just moan. My mother was taking care of her for the pass three weeks. I came and helped her out. My mum was teaching me how to take care of her and asked me to do it. Amazingly my grandmother was recovering. The next day she could talk. After that she could read the newspaper and started giving instructions to clean the house, wipe the windows and all. An indication she was very alert indeed.
The Challenge...
Came one morning, my mother received a return to Melaka(my hometown) for sign an option letter where the government has introduce their service till 60 years old. She would be gone for three days. My mum, looked at me and said " You take care of grandma okay?", I said okay. So she taught me, what kind of milk to make, what supplements to add, how to feed her, how to carry her, stay with her. I had to sleep by her side. I took up that challenge
             As any other teenage kid, one would be reluctant to take care of an old ill person. I'd be honest with you, it is not something to look forward to. Out of love, I stayed back and cared for her. The next three days without my mother was indeed challenging for me. I had help from my grand aunty and uncle.
The Emergency...
The first day, morning went fine, I fed her her breakfast, medicine, let her brushed her teeth, carried her to the portable toilet. Till afternoon around 4.20pm when she asked to pass water, and as I carried her, she fell back down to the bed breathing heavily. Her tummy was too painful(from the cancer) till it was unbearable. I panicked  a moment. Called my aunty and uncle to come and help. I called my mum feeling despondent at the moment. All I knew was what to do. Obviously for this case I could not handle an emergency crisis. So I administered morphin to her and her pain killer meds. That was all. The next days were tough, she would not eat, she was sleepy, she was very weak....I applied 'minyak angin' on her tummy as she liked it.
The perfect irony
On the second day, that night I called my mum " Mum I just dont know what to do already please come back quickly" as I felt something was a miss, my grandmother was just so weak compared from before. That night I fed her and she could barely eat. Her stomach pain was somewhat gone but she developed a cough. At 3 a.m she woke me up. I asked whether she needed water, she nodded, I gave her a cup and then she did not want to drink. Then I asked her what she wanted, and she began mumbling. So all I did was pat her back so that she could cough. I administered physiotherapy on her back but she had no energy to even cough. I asked her what she wanted but she did not respond. She just shook her head. so I off the lights and just continued patting her back. It was all I could do. I stopped after ten minutes. I could not sleep. I was checking up on her every moment. I felt the angel of death near. That morning I woke up at 7.50 a.m. I saw her eyes were wide open and I thought I woke her up. I called out to her but did not respond. She was cold. She was...not breathing anymore. I woke the whole house up, they all confirmed she was gone. I was, shocked.
I called my mum.." Mee( what i call my mum), grandma pass away already..."
The irony, on her last night, none of her children were with her, my mum in Melaka, my aunty caught up in workload , my uncle was away.
The Lesson
I am grateful to have the chance of bonding with my grandmother. I had to chance to take care of her. I had the chance to love her. I had a chance to really know her from the testimonies of her church members.
While she was alive, I prayed for her, shared the Word with her. Words of assurance like Matthew chapter 6:28 " Not to worry...". Or in Corinthians 12:9 " My grace is sufficient...".
Who can straighten a road God has made crooked. In Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you are good and not evil, to give you future and hope.".


  1. Thanks for sharing, Eddryll. I've been having some fear and burden for my grandparents' salvation recently, and I believe this blogpost of yours will be of great help sometime. somehow.

    Thanks again! I still read your blog! :) Don't stop blogging, you write really well :)

    God bless.

  2. Thanks a lot. It is a real encouragement. Thank you. XD I am glad it is somewhat of help to you.

  3. Hey edd. Sorry to hear about your loss. But thank God you had the chance to serve your grandma =) I did that too before my grandma passed away. Indeed it was good to rebond with grandma and i still miss her tho =) but to think that she's in heaven and no longer need to suffer from pain comforts me =) God's peace, grace and love envelope you and family.

  4. Thank you esther. You are right. Every word. =) she is in a better place with no suffering...=)

  5. Yuppp tho it's been 4 years plus since I lost her but i still feel it's as though she's near to me =) I guess the impact is there.. no matter how long it seems since the person left us..she'll always be close to our heart =)


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