You are one person who has no insurance in the mouth. You talk crap, you talk bullshit things. I want you to think properly what you have done all of these years. Do not be self-righteous. No one is righteous except through God. You always rationalize to clear your conscience. When an incident happened you make the story extra juicer to make her look bad. You may lie i am not sure how you tell all those stupid stories but i know you do not tell the whole story or you make it up so much so Its not your fault.
Trying to clear your name scared people think you are bad....Well you are! When you scold, you scold in private, not in front, not in public. That is why those who side you, side you blindly, side you cause they believe that dangerous mouth of yours. You know how to destroy a person's social life. We do not care! All who side you are gullible! Never use their head to think for once. After all this years your eyes are not even opened but yet so shut. Whether it is to defend your pride in front of your family or whatever reasons. Your actions has made you unpopular among some people and more to come once they read this ( they know who is it). You want to be on the right path? As far as I know, you will never be until you tell the truth right from the beginning and oh yeah the start is many many many years back. I really do not like self-righteous people talking good to make one look bad. I REPEAT! They talk as if they are right and makes the other side look bad. This again is BULL full of crap. If ever again I hear this shit I will make sure I'll defend for what is right, I will not be afraid, I do not care what happens to me but I know I am right. It infuriates me when I hear things like this. THIS IS JUST SO IMMATURE. You are already big. If you really know what is wrong and right, then you will say it now that you are wrong. CHILDISH AND FOOLISH OF YOU TO USE YOU MOUTH in a wrong way. Everytime you talk to me you also talk of that crap. I never want to hear a word about that. But I warn you that if you do not come to your ends.


  1. Lol, nobody knows except me. i really mean it. Nobody knows the person even with the name. so no need to know also


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