
Love, one of the widest topics, or is it the widest of all? some people see it as a cruel feeling most people refer to it as wonderland. Now the words " I Love You " becomes a common word so much so that women have lost their security to it. This word is so commonly used now that it's sincerity has been sucked out of it year by year. Youngsters telling their girlfriends " I Love You ". But in fact they are only having puppy love.
True love is sacrifice, it is selfless not selfish it is tolerance to the other person. All those lovey dovey thing kissing, cuddling , hugging , is just at the surface of love. Love goes way deeper than that. If you love the person, you would love her for who she is. You would love the real her because you just do.
" I Love You " has lost its credibility over the years. They say it for fun then few weeks later they break up. Sounds so pathetic. And when a boy says I love you, their friends would think impossible he is still young, he is not having true love. But the beauty is your friends never know as only you feel the feeling.
To me, the right person will come to you. Be patient. You'll know when he/she come along your way. You'll just know.
Haven't you heard? Being a virgin is the new COOL. To me...I so agree with this statement. I'll give you an illustration, you have a lollipop. you lick it...would your friend want it after licking it? Of course not! You can't share it cause you marked your territory there. So likewise us humans must preserve ourselves( lollipop) not to be licked an only to be licked by the right person. This does not only count for virginity, maybe having boyfriends/girlfriends. Having one bf or gf is enough. Not more than one. Question... why do someone get together into a relationship sometimes knowing that It would never work out? (this is the western culture nowadays) Not the eastern please.


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