Joshua Generation (Non-existent)

There is no Joshua generation Before anything, do follow @malaysianchristianmemes on insta . Martin Luther the one synonymous to the word Reformation said that the church was “ a high, deep, hidden thing” Simply meant that it was a mystery too deep to fully comprehend. Many call it the invisible church. The church that is united by the Holy Spirit coming under the rule of Jesus Christ our King where there is now no Jew nor gentile, slave nor master, male nor female. We are all one in Christ. Yet the invisible church is only truly seen in the visible church. You know, the usual every Sunday or Saturday where we come together sing praise together and listen to God’s word. I am oversimplifying it but that is not the main point of what I am writing today. If anything, the church or as the Greek text would have it ekklesia simply means a gathering of God’s people. Yet such a unity doesn’t seem to be apparent these days. Granted I am but one person. I am limited in ...