New Expression of Church (Insta Church)

First off, I am in no way proposing a replacement of our Sunday meetings in church. I am in no way proposing a new way of how we should do church. Again, my definition of church in this context is a community of believers gathering together in the name of Christ. Being his ekklesia. More on that topic in this other blog post here. AAAND I am not starting some heretical movement. Please read along first hahaha. 

I am also not using the word ‘Insta church’ for the sake of being instant like how Instagram was supposed to function. Insta church here simply means that the church is present within Instagram. If we are called to be salt and light, then definition salt and light in the cyber realm is something important.

We are all on social media now but the reality is, God was the one that created social media. He created media (information be it audible or visual) and he created us to be social bearing His image. God was a social being, being trinitarian. The problem is current social media platforms take advantage of that human need of love and belonging to keep them online more often than in reality. The likes one receive on Instagram gives off the endorphins to make you feel good. The advancement and followers you get gives you the feeling that you matter. They are using artificial means to aid genuine human needs. When you do that guess what? It is a lie. When these things disappear so does all your sense of “genuine belonging”.

My initial response was that for all he good that technology has brought, the current platforms are more toxic than helpful. Facebook is truly a toxic place where people battle out their theology out of context, fake news is spread, and the left and right are segregated ish through algorithms on and on I could go. So I left both Facebook and Instagram. Then there was this sense of freedom but subsequently right after a heavy sense of burden. No one is going to listen to ramblings of this one man how damaging social media can be with its targeted ads, constant tracking, and rewiring of one’s brains (By the way there are lots of good books for that). At least it is not sufficient.

But how do I warn them or be of aid without really being stuck in the system? I go anonymous. So that is how Malaysian Christian memes came about. To be present without having the likes and followers determine my “self-worth”. They follow a cause. Of course, all of you whom are reading know that I am the admin for that account. That is fine.

Then I realize I need not run this alone. I realize there were others out there who in the anonymity started their channels for a goal. I will give a brief intro on the rest of the accounts and then conclude with a vision I have. I am not imposing this vision. But briefly look through on each account and see whether you arrive to the same conclusion as me.

I decided to do an online write up interview on certain accounts to ask them what made them start it and what is their goal they want to achieve in the account. Let us begin.


Started by two people. It began with an interest in art. Through their many styles and interest, paperpenandbrush wanted to use this platform to share their works and creative output.
They are still in their early stages but they hope to encourage others through their art, inspires other people to learn to be creative rather than mindless following a formula on how things are done, and they would like to grow their skills and business to inspire more.
There are certain key words you will see popping up. All leading to the vision I am suggesting.

This individual has always loved hand lettering and experimenting with different styles. How the admin experiments it is she draws a lot of phrases/ bible verses that she found encouraging and shares it for the followers to see. Of course to be encouraged too. 

But it is not merely getting someone to scroll to see a writing saying “you are chosen and loved” for example and make them smile. It is bigger than that though not discrediting them making her followers smile. She hopes to share the hope she has in Jesus. The Bible she says is so full of gems and guidance to help us live life to the fullest (amen). In that manner it is truly a privilege to share God’s words online for those who may need to hear them. She also wants to share through her art the beautiful things in life and inspire people (there it is again, inspire). “I'd also like to create a page where people can be encouraged, understood, and hopefully inspired to start/continue their creative journey!”
It is this whole idea of creating that community of support where the hope is in Christ Jesus.


What started back in 2018 in boredom of doing art became something she wanted to share with the world.  But soon the pressing need of why they were being posted invaded her mind. From just plain art to something meaningful. If I were to do these artworks, why not make it proper and share my insights through my art and how beautiful the word of God is. (I am reminded of David to say come and taste and see that the Lord is good.)
Perfection though is not her main priority. Authenticity and being genuine is something she strives for. How? She says this “So maybe my letterforms aren't on point every time or the colours and illustrations don't mesh well 100% but it is the message and the idea of it that's more important. I guess that's what it means to be called to create.”

The admin of this account received a word from God about media a long time ago and how He wanted him to use it for Him in different ways. And that has expressed itself out as sharing theology through memes.  Very similar to Malaysian Christian Memes. But the goal of this account is different. The means may be similar.
This platform is hoped to be used to build a Christian business to help support missionaries and missionary families. Wow.


Gospel believers is an account where sermon snippets are shared from various preachers. He felt like Instagram would be a good platform to reach people with the Gospel. “If I am called to be a witness to what God has done, what better way to do that than social media.”
 This account is a double-edged sword. One, it serves to reach out to people of all backgrounds and beliefs who will encounter these posts and God might speak to them through them. Two, the believers, would be an encouraged listening to the postings and a help in their walk with Christ.
Gospelbeliever was created to reach out for unbelievers, and to help believers in their walk with Christ.


This account started all with a trip to Israel with his mom. During our trip, while they were praying at the Western Wall in Israel; He felt God spoke clearly right to his heart. “Thank you for making effort for visiting Him”. God also made an impression in his heart that He wishes that many would come to know Jesus in a real tangible and personal way.  Like a child, my heart was truly overwhelmed by His loving presence. He was inspired to do something much bigger than what he was doing at that moment.
In Sarayuyew, you will see the places he has travelled, bible researches, and some memes occasionally. The whole goal be it indirectly or directly is to share with them Jesus. Getting people interested about the Bible stories, not only to know more about Jesus but follow him in a real and personal way just like how he experienced it. Jesus the tangible God. Through his trip utilizing all five human senses, it gave him an insight to which he would never read his Bible the same again.
What you see on his Instagram postings are the fruits of it. But you want to know more about him? Do follow him.

The Vision
In fact, follow all of them. Each account right here need not be competing with one another. Their goal in unity if I were to sum it up is to provide truth, insights, and inspiration that all leads to the ultimate truth which is the personhood of Jesus Christ. All creating a community of His Ekklesia, a gathering of people in His name. All adding to the church, online.

Because here is the vision. Not to replace what we know as church today but to remind us what church is. Not a building but the people. We are his hands and feet; the body of Christ called to be a royal priest to stand in the gap in the fallen world understanding His grace and mercy. And when each of them are interconnected, each of them doing their part, they in their own ways edify the church, online. This is a new expression of church. It does not need to stop Sunday services. It is 24/7 online, present, ready to disciple and inspire whether it is a meme you would see, a photo of where Jesus has set foot upon, a theological exposition on the gospel on insta, or the word of God in art.

I bet this in some sense is already actively happening. All I am doing is rallying and solidifying that reality. Oh there are so many more out there. This is just the few I have picked up. This is bigger than all of us. Starting the meme account made me realize I have entered in a different realm. Different algorithm. Different, world. The cyberworld. But considering MCO and lockdown, maybe it is time to be more intentional with what we do online. What are you fellow Christians doing to stand in the gap right now?

P.S.  I am not doing a write up on Malaysian Christian memes because the write up can be found here.

Writer: Eddryll 
Author's views are his own and does not represent the entire team


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