Instagram deactivated (Ish)

Instagram no more (Ish)
Image result for instagram no

Before anything, do follow @malaysianchristianmemes on insta.
Yes guys, I am starting a whole new Instagram account. A public one with a specific goal. To create a community within Instagram that laughs with insights. Who is the target market? Malaysians, Christians, but the group that gets the best of both worlds are Malaysian Christians because they get both context to the max. Allow me to break it down into three phases for this account.

1. How I started?
2. Why I am getting off instagram personally?
3. Why am I starting this @msianchristian_memes?

1. History (How I started?)
Image result for instagramInstagram for me like many started as just following trend. I used it to keep updated with friends and keep in touch where I could not. Upon coming to MCKL the natural idea was that students too started following me. It has created many opportunities for me. The fact that I appreciate that students do follow me keeps me accountable as a character formations lecturer that I remain consistent and transparent both in my cyber and real world. It has been such a privilege to be able to share my thoughts and insights in my personal capacity from quotes, memes, and my values. 

Believe me, as much as science shows a spike in dopamine with someone likes a photo, the goal was not the likes or the followers for me. But since the followers was increasing, I thought my as well use it as a platform to continue to disciple students who are still messaging me and responding to thought provoking concepts and ideas that I post on insta. 

It went to a point when I curated my feed just to make it clearer when to expect what post. Obviously I know there are people who disagree with me on this. They will go "Just post only lah why so much effort?" Well, the effort is in those who may view it. Not for myself. Regardless of how one wants to use insta that was my approach and I had no interest in debating. And so from intentionally sharing photos to intentionally sharing content that meant to jolt thoughts and to reveal what a life in Christ looked like. It was arranged into three columns. First column was to share photos of people and communities that I was grateful for. The next column was either quotes from my character formation classes or Christianity. Finally was just memes on Christianity or my students or Malaysians to celebrate everyone and everything that could be celebrated all with good laugh. 

2. Why leaving it?

Friends have messaged me not to cancel out my current insta account. For starters I won't (at least not yet fully). But I am getting off it. I leave it on to occasionally share content of my blog and also ask personal related questions. But for the most part I will stop posting things and insta story-ing things. Slowly will transition off of it. I am guessing multiple thoughts might be racing to your head as to why stop. Here is why. 

As much benefits as it created from the platform to disciple, opportunities to touch base, and share values online, the costs was way more. Is Instagram bad? No. But the fact that I was scrolling mindlessly at times was truly sucking my time to do more important things. Sounds familiar? You've probably read the fact that I deactivated my Facebook account here. But personally here is why. My career trajectory has been growing and changing so much so that time becomes even more precious than it is now. I have clarity on what God has called me to and I need time as a resource to make sure I get my work done, get enough rest, and engage the people I need to engage. 

I have to juggle church responsibilities, work responsibilities, pastoral duties, lecturing duties, seminary commitments, and to top it all off next year preparing for marriage!

So what I did? I figured it was time to cancel out my account. Just the extra hour or more gives me the focus of not looking at my phone as well as productivity.

3. Why am I starting a new public account?

It is because I recognize the reach of Instagram that I decided to make a public one called @malaysianchristianmemes. Where the reach goes further than my friends and students. But the vision as stated above is to create a community within Instagram that shares insights and laughter as Malaysians and Christians. The gospel of Christ convicts me to remain as salt and light in the space of the cyber world but not allow the cyber world to dictate me in other matters of my life. At least I recognize I do not have the discipline for it so I need to do something more drastic. The objective of this account is 1. To be Gospel centered, 2. To laugh as Malaysian Christians, 3. to share insights on life as a Malaysian Christian. 

I find the current generation are asking a whole lot of questions without avenues to find their answers too. I hope this account becomes the platform where the message or thoughts are shared across through memes. Or some might call it the 6th love language. Lol. In fact, this blog name has changed from eddproteo.blogspot to graciousveritas.blogspot. 

It needs a wider reach again not for me. Because as you can see it is more of Christ and less of me. 
Finally I accept content from anyone who wants to share and I will credit you guys for sharing it with me. This will not be a solo effort. It is an effort to all who catches the same vision as I do.

The create a community within Instagram to share insights and laugh as a Malaysian and as a Christian. 

Matthew 5:13-15 "13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.
14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Writer: Eddryll 
Author's views are his own and does not represent the entire team


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