Why I quit playing Pokémon Go

Before anything, do follow @malaysianchristianmemes on insta.

All right. Let me put out certain disclaimers so that I don't be misunderstood. This is not some same old post on how Pokémon is demonic. This is not a response post against those who wrote that Pokémon is demonic. This is more of a personal post to why I stopped the game. So I will leverage this generations egocentric belief system and say this is me and I do not impose anything on you. So you don't need to go judging me for not playing it as well.
For my friends and family out there who are playing this is by no means saying it is wrong. This is just a personal sharing of my life on how the game has affected me personally.

1. The Hype
Now that it is out of the way. I never intended to play this game. But friends around me were downloading and I thought sure fine. For the sake of nostalgia as I grew up with Pokémon. It brings back good memories. And the idea of traveling and catching Pokémon was intriguing. On the first day itself I read up on every single tip and trick I could read up on so that when I play, I play the best I can be. Pretty competitive but I always had this idea that if I were to do something I would need to do it right. I told myself I were to play casually or not I will end up deleting the game. You see,  I am not a pc/console, gamer by nature. I never seem to be able to play a game fully. But we will get back to that later throughout the story.

So I downloaded the game. Got hooked. Willing to walk out to catch Pokémon when I had work to do. Lunch hours during work took 30 minutes longer because I was stopping and catching at almost every 10 steps or so. I was entertained. I felt like Ash Ketchum for a moment. Taking the lrt became my favourite moments as every stop is a pokestop. From kelana jaya to sentral and back Oh you will be well stocked with pokeballs and potions. I knew the tips to level fast. It was okay as well because everyone was doing it.

Pokémon has had a hold on the world for the past 20 years. Setting the story and the games and the cards and what not. When Niantic released this game it was easy. Everyone just started playing as expected. They made 2 million a day when the game was just released in the first three countries.

2. The Issue
So this was what was happening. My head was constantly on the screen. My phone battery was draining really fast. I charged my phone 3 to 4 times a day. The LRT was usually the time when I prayed, read books, listen to sermon, etc. Now what I do is just swipe my fingers. My time was just swiping my fingers. I did trip few times. When I came home the game was on. Before I slept, the game was on. 

This was when the debate started on whether pokemon go was good or bad. Some say demonic. Some say no. Generally all it needed was moderation. Self-control. I know myself well enough that if I were to be competitive in a game, I will devote myself to do it well. I told myself I would play casually but you see it just would cut it. If I were to play it casually then my as well not play at all. Because casually being that I will not strive to catch the best pokemon. I will not walk diligently to hatch the eggs. So for those who can practice moderation good for you. I commend you. But please you do not need to shower your self-righteousness and talent of moderation over me. It is one of my pet peeves when someone acts as if they are better/ holier than the other. After all I am in a ministry to revealing how all of us are broken and imperfect. But for me I knew myself well enough to know that I will be hooked. It is one of the two reason why I do not game. I will get addicted. Back when I was playing Maple Story as a child I would go on for hours on the computer without noticing the time. 

That was what was happening here. My eyes are locked on to the screen without noticing my surroundings. Half focusing on the people talking to me. All this in a matter of 4 days. So much time was already wasted in that sense. All this while I was approaching burn out. (BTW already burn out. Now in recovery mode)

3. The solution
I just asked myself a simple question. This questions has been my go to question for many things. What is the purpose of me doing this? and in this case, playing Pokemon Go. So what was the purpose of me playing pokemon go? I could not come up with a sustainable answer. To relieve the pokemon days and to feel like a trainer? Yeap, that 3 days was good enough. To be the very best? To be a pokemon master? None of these answers for the purpose I play were not sustainable enough. Why? Simple I guess. I had better things to do. I had more important issues and goals at hand. 

A student shared with me another story on how the individual's friend was willing to go all the way to klcc just to catch pokemon. And how in all bluntness has shifted the person's priorities. It struck me as it was the same with me. My priorities were gone.

Solution? I deleted the game. Personally I would phrased it as "being set free". Oh the sense of relief that came over me. To be able to look around me again. To look at people rather than a screen. To look at what was real rather than virtual (keep in mind in the past 4 days of playing, I trust I was playing in a somewhat unhealthy manner, nothing wrong to look at your smartphone screen) To be able to read a book.  Pokemon Go wants the people playing it to get out of the house more and connect with people. And for the past 4 days it was good. It was an easy conversation starter. There was this sense of connection with the people around you. Because it is cool. Majority could relate to another pokemon fan. So the platform seems neutral enough. But the outcome is different. While we are asked to practiced moderation. It is not what I am observing. Again for those who can and for those who are able to play it casually, blessed are you. I am not one of you guys. I'm observing students coming late for classes (Not just mine) because of a lure module. Going the distance but not prioritizing what matters more. 

Hebrews 12 asks u to lay down every weight and sin that clings on to us. Pokemon Go sadly was becoming a weight to me. A weight that affected my walk with God. P.S. please do take note this is nothing to do with religion but my personal walk. 

Again for my friends and family out there who are playing this is by no means saying it is wrong. This is just a personal sharing of my life on how the game has affected me PERSONALLY. =)
You see the game was not wrong. How I reacted to the game was.

4. Side Note
Fine, I will shortly address the demonic part. Firstly, I will say I just do not have enough knowledge on the spiritual realm to rebut anything. Why? Because basically I just do not know enough if not at all. But if you want to call Pokemon Go demonic, my as well call everything else the same. Whatsapp. Facebook. Twitter. Games. We are in the devil's playground (this fallen earth). You do not need to use the word demonic. Basically it is addiction and if anything takes the first place of your heart instead of Jesus (For the Christians), then it is bad. Sure "demonic" if you were to want to phrase it as such. And it happens on a daily basis. By God's grace he pulls us back.

We Christians have been good at highlighting one thing and ignoring the other. Like Non-heterosexuality as a special sin compared to anger, lying, cheating, etc. Or Virginity as a special kind of holy that if you lose it you lose your salvation. Seriously. Please. I humbly entreat with you that you do check the condition of your hearts if that is the case. It reveals more about you rather than it would on the victims. 

Writer: Eddryll 
Author's views are his own and does not represent the entire team


  1. This has been on my mind since Niantic released the game. Thanks for articulating your thoughts. :)

    - Joshua Yap.

    1. Hey Joshua. Yeah. The article is to share my personal experience. But I do not represent the majority. Or at least I decide not to speak on their behalf. Glad it resonated with you.


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