Running the Race on/in Phillipians (Things I left out)

Disclaimer that this time it is a specific Christian oriented post. Due to the lack of time and immense amount of content to share last week I did miss out certain things on "running the race".

But for the sake of the readers, I will do a short recap on Phillipians 3 and 4 in terms of running this race. As you read through Phillipians 3 you will see Paul mentions on running towards this goal. What is the goal we are talking about? The goal is ultimately Jesus Christ. Before that he makes sure that the Phillipians understand that righteousness is not by works but by faith and faith in Christ. Righteousness that was fulfilled through Christs' death, resurrection and life. Before he talked on pressing on the goal he has yet to attain, he makes sure that the church knows the worth of the goal. To the point that Paul would regard everything else as garbage compared to the worth of knowing Christ. That is the standard Paul is giving. That is how much of value Christ brings that nothing in this world could satisfy. Nothing in this world would compare. And so Paul presses on towards this goal laying down every weight and sin and runs his race with perseverance. By looking at Jesus Christ the author and perfector of our faith. 

What if we still fail to run this race? What if our head knows but our heart doesn't get it? There is a gap. It is like in Romans 7 Paul struggles with this idea. He does what he doesn't want to do and the things he want to do he doesn't do. He calls himself a wretched man yet he knows that his hope is in Christ. That he continues in Romans 8 on the fact that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ. What court could they possible charge him in! And in Phillipians 3, he ends it with reminding them where their citizenship is (child of God) which is in heaven. He also calls them to eagerly wait for the Saviour Jesus Christ. And the idea of waiting on the Lord can be gut wrenching. Easier said than done. But knowing the worth of who Christ is, the joy of the Lord will be our strength in waiting on the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 states that those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they will mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. As you stand under the shower on God's lavishing grace that is sufficient, his power will be made perfect in our weaknesses. But we are just called to seek first His kingdom and righteousness.

That is in short the summary of running the race. What I missed out was my story.  
Like Paul I have yet to reach it. And there are days when waiting is but a mere skirmish that I can handle, other times it can be an all our war within me. There are days when I feel that God has given me the strength. There are days when I cry out 'How long more O'Lord?!' There are days when I genuinely smile in the presence of my enemy, there are days when I just close my doors falling to my knees crying. 

But all in all I can only attest for one thing. Throughout whatever silence, pain, and suffering (Subjective part haha), the Lord has always been faithful. My Abba Father has always been faithful. I only speak for myself. But my life is also constantly marked with waiting. Even after you think you understand what God is trying to do he just comes around and just say wait. This is where I am now. And waiting is not a passive thing. In waiting on His promises and revealing his plan for you step by step you actively wait seeking his kingdom and righteousness. It may be different for others but in my pain that God has allowed, has allowed me to press in deeper and deeper into His presence and find my rest in Him. Rest is something more than just physical. But the rest in what Christ has done is exponential. To have that peace that transcends all understanding. Again not dependent on what I feel but on what Christ has done. That is why the Bible focuses on knowing the person of Christ. Because truth comes in the form of a person. You will not seek him if you do not know the worth of knowing him. You will not trust Christ if you do not know Him. That is the logic of it. But even as we do not get the full extend of his worth, you press on. Keep walking. Keep pressing in. But do not give up. His enabling grace will pull you through it.

That is why we don't celebrate us, we celebrate him. If you ask me how I feel, it is but with the utmost of gratitude. Overflowing of gratitude. That in our hypocrisy our Father in heaven is long suffering with us. Patient with us. Amazing grace sufficient for us. Mercies afresh each morning. His love never ending.


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