Batman V Superman (My Verdict)

Okay the only reason I am writing this is because I am basically a DC fan. So I am well aware of my biases. However, I thought my as well just give it a go.

Now before I begin, know that this is purely all in theory but on the basis of the evidences provided in the movie. This is just my thoughts and I do not religiously follow the comics. So I am not imposing them on anyone. Thus, there is no need for an argument. I warn you that there are spoilers up ahead so do read at your own risk.  Any who, let us begin.                                                                                                                            
                           Image result for batman vs superman
Batman Vs Superman

My Beef with it

Let's start of with what I did not like about it. I will admit, the movie can get draggy. Lots of slow mos. And the 20 death scene of superman was somewhat unnecessary. I mean pleaaaase, we all know superman will not die. So it was a lot of wasted time. Then I found out Zack Snyder had a 3 hour uncut version and I wonder what was extended? extra 30 seconds of walking in all scenes?

Lois who had some telepathy moment to take the spear that she initially threw knowing it would kill Doomsday?

Besides that it felt a little too cramped even having 2 hours and 30 minutes for the movie. Cramped as in trying to fit a lot of things into one small movie. This is where I felt that by not cramping it Zack could have improved the character development on the movie. Instead it almost feels like a mess with stupid lines here and there. Close to not making sense. Like how batman and superman suddenly became buddies because if Martha. Not to say it is not possible. But it is bordering... I duno lazy? Nonetheless.....the cramping almost felt intentional to me. So here comes my theory...

My Theory
Purely a theory in which the probability of me being wrong is high. However I would like to say I see Zack's vision. The bigger picture to all this. For that, you could say that this movie was a breath of fresh air. Let's begin with the big one. The justice league and how they come together.

1. All the Justice League animated movies were predictable. Usually starts of with superman and batman and the rest fall in somehow. Fight an alien invasion and then see the need to form a team. Usually there will be a scene where batman thinks he is better off on his own and says I'm not interested (Which we then all know he would be later on). Then all of a sudden superman would trust batman with a kryptonite. The new 52 version was not bad in how they tried to change things up.

However this is a different. Aquaman looks different. The flash looks different. LEX LUTHOR is really something. Truly a new take on it. Zack tried to combine other forms of justice league elements like the death of superman from one of the comics. The Injustice....and that is as far as my knowledge can take me. Having Batman be the one to form the team. It was not the typical justice league animated movies to the point it felt like a breath of fresh air.

2. Everything seemed darker. Superman is not your cheerful "have no fear, superman is here" kind of mode. He is all of a sudden going through some form of identity crisis. Plus Batman killing? Here is an interesting one. Now I have an idea but I do not claim I know batman and all his brokenness well. Keep in mind that as Alfred mentioned, had been in this business for the past 20 years. Which also explains why he is no more in his playboy persona. He has gone through most of the major villains. Bruce says he is older than his father now. He has seen some S**T by now. Do not forget Jason Todd his third Robin died, killed by the joker.

So if you are to complain my gosh batman kills!? The question one should be asking is what caused him to change his world view to the point that he resorted to this? What truly broke the bat to the point he went...screw this! (Oh and his fight scenes were....awesome!)

So here comes my theory. The cramping the whole thing seems intentional. I believe Zack intentionally left a lot of "Huh? What just happened?!" moments. Intentional, unexplainable loopholes which then opens up the window to truly develop the character.
It would then make sense for example to request or do a movie to explain what happen to batman being so broken as such leading to the death of Jason Todd killed by the Joker (Jared Leto).

Then after the Justice League movie would be the flash movie if I am not mistaken. If so, I have another guess that all the lose ends that were left will be tied up till then. Everything also could be attributed to the speed force anyway. But like it felt so intentional to me. Like when Flash appeared to Bruce in a dream or what not, Flash was obviously from a different timeline wearing some kind of contraption (Tachyon prototype maybe?) that helps him travel through time.

So to conclude, all I am saying is, this is just food for thought. It felt so intentional in a way where the rush and cramping of it all was needed to lay the premise for the next coming movies. A different approach from how Marvel did it. It left enough loopholes in which they could create a movie on its own to explain away those loopholes. So for me it did not disappoint me but rather it created more anticipation for the next DC movies that will be appearing. Where I would ask myself, "All right Zack, what is it that you have in mind for all this? Where are you going with this? I am waiting to observe". 

So for me I cannot really say it is a bad movie as a whole if it is part of something bigger and it was a necessary push to do a sequence such as this. There are lots more to cover but the whole point for this post was to provide a probably bigger picture. Again, I come here not as an expert but as a fan =)


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