Salvation can never be the prize

This topic was sparked by an individual who claimed that if salvation is the prize and it is by believing in Christ, then there is no need to run that race marked out for us. Because salvation is the prize and he has already obtained it. So running the race for the prize depends on what is the prize and how one defines salvation. It is in my deep conviction to say that salvation is not and will never be the prize.

Why? Because salvation is a gift. A prize is something you win, something you earn. You can never earn your salvation. There is no human possible way to earn salvation. The only thing that made salvation necessary is the sin. Our sin. Our sin that made salvation necessary. Romans said Christ died while we were still sinners. In Ephesians it was pointed out that we were dead in our transgressions but because of God's great love and mercy he sent his son to die for us. The Bible clearly states that salvation was never the prize. Again and again I would go.

Reminded of Luke 15 of the Father who had two sons. Both trying to find their "salvation" with different means. But alienated from the true prize which is to be with the father. Younger one tried to find it through his own means. The older son tried to earn his "prize" by serving the father. Lack for a better word, slaving for him. Thinking that if he worked hard enough he would have the right to it.

When the younger son came home, the father accepted him immediately and slaughtered a cow. It was never mentioned whether the younger son understood whether the prize was the father. It was more of portraying how gracious the father was. The older son got mad saying that he never even gave him a goat. What was the father's response? Pleading with the older son to come in he also said "You were always with me". My personal translation? The prize was always here just that you did not see the worth of it.

For us Christian, the prize is total restoration in Christ Jesus, to be in his presence, to be with the creator. A time when New heaven and new Jerusalem become one, no sin, no death, no crying and we are united with the creator who has made known to us the path of life where in his presence there is fullness of joy. In his right hand are pleasures forevermore. Our inheritance.

So the purpose of Christianity is not salvation and heaven. That is the joy of Christianity. It is understanding the eternal worth of our Father in heaven that one would run that race marked out with perseverance keeping their eyes on the author and perfecter of their faith. The worth to the point Paul would count the rest as garbage in regards to knowing Him. To the point where he said to die is gain because he gets to be with the Father. You see being humans and broken we are unable to get the prize by ourselves. We need Christ that enables us through the Holy Spirit. And as believers of the gospel, I take heart and courage that his grace is always and will always be sufficient for me in running this race. 

C'mon man. It never said it was going to be easy. Hebrews 12 talks about laying down the weight and sin that clings on to us and run our race with perseverance. It is gonna be a battle. You fight for it how? God's grace will enable you to persevere. Not God's grace will allow you to shake legs. Heck No. God did not create you to do nothing. But in terms of salvation. there is no way one can save themselves by human effort. The hard cold offensive truth. 


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