3 weeks into lecturing.

Let's put it this way. I never ever expected to enter the education line at all. I initially wanted to join an NGO right after graduation. However, someone whose value and judgement I very much appreciate said that I was not ready. I trusted her because she knew me well enough. Right after that, the opportunity to lecture in MCKL arose just like that. Someone approached me, asked me whether I was interested, I was thinking sure why not, sent in my CV and got the interview the next day.
Long story short I got the job. I was to teach an MPU subject (Which meant it was to be compulsory) tailored only for MCKL. It is called character formation.

A subject in which the syllabus is based on 10 core values of MCKL among them is honour God, respect others, cherish relationships and the list goes on.

So as a fresh graduate, it really dawned on me the reality of the working world. It was never gonna be easy. I was to lecture 519 students across 3 programmes (A-levels, Ausmat, CAT) having 6 classes all in all 17 hours a week and on top of that few other responsibilities with future responsibilities to come. So, I only had to make one prayer. Is that I will not rely on my own strength, charisma, intellect or whatever else I perceived I could offer but to just rely on God. To keep my focus on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. Simple, that wherever I go, by his grace, that his favour is upon me and that he delights in me as a child. 

Within three weeks itself, much has happened. The ups and downs, alongside with the crisis and joys of working. When I surrender to God, I am amazed at what God does using me as a conduit. I am just but his hands and feet. God had to make a point that all glory was to go to him and that it will be all him. My first lecturing job and with such trust to handle that much students, I could only surrender to God. A fresh grad lecturing. I thought, yeah why not? All the more for your name to be glorified. All the more that when they see me they will recognize God working and not me. I am just taking it one day at a time as I rely on him where in his presence I gain fullness of joy that strengthens me. 

In everything, I prayed. In everything I said simple prayers like "Lord, give me your wisdom", "Lord you take over", "Lord, I can only surrender". And with each prayer God has been really faithful. The point here is to not to say I prayed and things happened. I know God will answer. The point here being is to show that I could only rely on God. The prayer was evidence that I need him. God was going to empower me for His purpose. 

It is such a privilege to be able to teach these kids. They are brilliant and amazing. Thinking of things that I never thought when I was at their age. To imagine here I am with the ability to impact the students within the next few months. To have the chance to build them up, journey with them, mentor them and leave a mark in their lives. It is truly exponential for me as a starting job. We are talking about teaching character and it is encouraging when students say they enjoy your lectures, and it really challenges their thinking no matter how heavy my lectures get. 

I realized my lecturing style towards the second week. Was that when I spoke, I was not gonna make any lecture an empty talk. It was my tendency yo go way deeper than what the core value was saying. My style was when I taught, I went from the angle of speaking to the heart. To go on their frequency and speak from the heart because character is not about behaviour modification. It is a life long process that requires an inward change rather than an outward observable action. The Holy Spirit led the whole way. Seeing nods from the students as I touched on sensitive topics like God, pornography, virginity, abortion, sex and this is all within just 3 weeks. They tell me "sir my head I cannot take it any more, but I like it". 

I am grateful for His favour. I am abandoned to God. It is my principle for lecturing is that I rely on God, I speak to the heart, and I do not talk about the what but the how to carry it out, which then travels to the why of the matter, and then flows to the "what if" (What if I am unable to do what the core value teaches). I admit my influence of how I lecture was from Matt Chandler in how he preaches. I am not putting him on a pedestal although my friends now claim that I am "Chandling as I lecture". Chandling = Handle like Chandler. However, I am convicted personally that it is through his style of addressing the "what ifs" that I would like to emulate. 

It was not all smooth of course. There were complications within my work that required me to handle parents and what not. To keep track of 519 students is close to impossible. I am still attempting to remember all of their names. In all of this I only asked for one thing. Wisdom from God as I handled by his grace every issue that arose. I thank God that up till now he is still holding on to me up till this point. What else can I do other than depend on him right? My true source of strength. 

In short. I am repeating myself when I say I can only rely on Him. I am learning to seek first His kingdom and righteousness daily. I have a long long long way to go as a lecturer. I have so much to learn. Much to be humbled. Much to learn from my colleagues. And I am so grateful for my colleagues who are so gracious in teaching me trade secrets, willing to take the time to train me, willing to hear me out, willing to be present for the young lecturer. It has been an amazing journey and it is just the beginning. Psalms 5:3 "In the morning, LORD you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait expectantly". Greater things are yet to come. I am here just taking my one step that God reveals while the rest He tells me to be strong and courageous and trust Him. 


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