Cleaning the schools of the Flood areas.

The recent floods in Malaysia were one of the worse I have seen. But seeing it on the news and papers is truly different than being there yourself.
So about a week ago, a team from HELP was sent to help clean up the schools in the flood affected areas. Honestly, we did not know what we were expecting. What we did know was that, help is needed and at that current moments there were needs that needed to be placed first before ours.

We were sent to Kota Bharu. The place was somewhat already functioning normally though you can see the after effects of the floods. We did pass by other areas that were badly affected. Mud covering schools that were high, roads destroyed and collapsed, houses brought down to their foundations(if they were lucky), rubbish everywhere. What was once useful materials and aesthetics were now dumped in a corner.

I have no proper pictures of the destruction. However I have happier pics for you to see =)

this is the S.K Panembang. We managed to clean it on time for the students to enjoy a decent learning environment. 

This is them taking a break from the cleaning process                                            

Finally this is us presenting ourselves to the students.We cleaned the classes and the roads that were stuck with mud. The joy was seeing the students sitting on their desk happily while their teacher teach.

I also wrote a song for the flood victims, but unfortunately I have a sore throat and will be unable to sing it.

As much as we would like to be solemn and down to earth about the situation, the group of volunteers that went were a bunch of cheerful, singing, fun bunch that loves to laugh. The group bonded so well within a span of just three days and we managed to try the Kelantan food while attempting to learn their lingo with the eh eh and oh oh.
As much as it was a learning experience for me, one thing is clear, it is not about me. I do not want to make it about me where I say I learned so much, I see the world in a different perspective kinda speech.
No, its about the people. Every single one of them whom I see as creations created in God's image. To hold a title as that, surely they are very much loved by God. Please let is not get into a debate on suffering and pain. I probably am willing enough to talk to you face to face and discuss this topic any time but let me bring you back to focus here.
This need not be related with religion. Just strip it down to something simple, these are people who are in need unlike the others, who have gone through trauma and suffering, a form of crisis and is in need of grace for help. And here, faith without actions is simply dead. 


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