Ignorance is Bliss.

This is a rant/reflection. There are a few levels to this blissfulness. The one who is actually Ignorant about the world or the one who is truly blissful not knowing stuff.

Sometimes, I fall in the second category. But man, never the first.
I make this statement only as a statement, and without any other bragging intention. When i hear one side of the story, for those who know me, I probably heard the other side. God forbid I claim I understand the situation. But basically, I know two sides of the coin. I know the head and I know the tail.

1.One of the challenge is to create a blur face when both parties require it a secret. I have to act that I am clueless of the events around me when in fact I know what is going on. I have to not say anything for the trust they have towards me. At times, seeing both sides you will definitely get a clearer picture. And yes, my take on most issues (definitely not the only way and definitely not the best) is to confront, clarify, talk it out, intervention. All requires both parties coming together to hear each other out, requires meeting up, face to face discussions. This method only works with patience and honesty. Miss this two fundamentals, I guess we should look for other alternatives.

2. Confidentiality. Sometimes, the information you know would be better off told but one party requires to keep it a secret. Sometimes, you are unsure whether this information will destroy or build up. Nonetheless, the decision falls to either you do something or you don't do anything at all. I would say a person who never makes mistakes, is a person who does nothing =). Majority likes that kind of person. Oh yeah he/she is okay, he/she is fine. Nothing much going on with that person. 

I am grateful for the times I chose to break confidentiality and it probably did not go so well that my friends forgave me. Which goes to say, people tell me stuff, not mainly because they trust me (least that is what I think). I am no passive listener as well. The thing is this, if I choose to break confidentiality, I would tell the person what I did after that. That too is another factor. Would telling that person make or break the individual?

3. Which brings me to the final challenge that I personally find that encompasses all. The wisdom to handle that knowledge. To know what to say, how to say and when to say. Or to not say at all. Choices still need to be made at the end of the day. The choices will determine where I go (Yes yes God is a part of this too)( Just in case some Christians ask =P).

So when I say ignorance is bliss. I mean it in the sense that by knowing less your are happier. I will not talk philosophy here. The statement in itself is true. Because, when more is given, more is required of you. Thus, the more you know, more responsibility is required of you over that information.

Therefore, to conclude. I hear lots of problems from lots of people. My conclusion? Life will definitely have problems and humans are not perfect. Humans being humans, conflicts will definitely arise and fights will happen. People get angry at each other. People will disappoint one another. So the question is what you are going to do despite all that? Will you still choose to love them? I do for I know I myself as you have heard me say, fall into the simple category of the imperfect human. Even then, I do not love perfectly for I am human.

That is the tension right there and I try my best to live with it not resolve the tension. =)
This is my honest rant =)
Edd out.


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