What is the point without trust?

Okay before starting, sorry guys, this is a Christian post. Not your general food for thought of the day kinda post.

Let me bring you to Genesis 15 where God makes a promise to Abraham. You've read it so many times and my take is we've probably missed some essential part of it. At least I have. God made a statement. Take note that this statement survived 4000 years. It is when God defines the terms for relationship of God with men.
Genesis 15:6 "And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith."

So trusting Him results in a right standing with God. Trust. Cause of faith the implications is righteousness. Not what you do, what you say, how you act. Lets not even bring in the great commandment and the great commission. Just this. Take note this was before the ten commandments, before the laws before the Bible, before Jesus and this is what God said to a man who kinda barely knew him. Abraham was just called out of his homeland by an unknown entity whom would later come to recognize as God.

Even in the new testament it mentions. Romans 10:10 "For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved." Other translations use the word justified others righteousness. Hmmm, interesting. I mean, my point is that we have read this so many times and here God sets the standard is such simple manner. Simple, but easy? I don't think so.

In Philippians 4, Paul explains on how we pray in everything trusting God and not be anxious. How he has been rich and poor, had everything and nothing, had been hungry and full and then at verse 13 says "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". How Paul trusted God.
Thus, my main point is this. It was set in history thousands of years ago that trusting God gave you a right standing with him. So lets bring in religion and faith now. What is the point believing in all the "rules and regulations" and all the teachings if we don't first trust God (assuming you guys believe there is a God).

I have had many people who told me they cannot trust God. They know what the Bible says but yet they cannot trust God. Because of what they experienced which is so real that seems to contradict the Bible. I won't deny that is not true. In fact those who tell me this are spot on. But my stand is this, God is more than your personal experience. If one chooses not to trust God there is a sense of stubborn-ness in which I myself am not sure off. Because of what the Bible says clearly. "And yes, we all know what the Bible says, we know what it tells me about God. We know we are told to trust God but I just can't", but being unable to trust God basing it on just what you experienced is not enough a reason personally for me. It is real yes, it is hard yes, but because of that I do not trust God, personally no. Why? because I too have had my fair share of experience in where up until now, there is still no answer for me.

We live in a fast paced materialistic world. We like things instant. Trust me, if not you, I do. But the person of God in the Bible is not an instant God.  He brings you through a process, a journey. When we don't get things our way, we tend to blame God almost instantly. At least I do sometimes. Stubborn as I am I blame God only to realize I was wrong to begin with at the end of the day. In this fast paced world we are so selective. We choose what we want to believe regardless of the truth.

Job, went through suffering and yet he stayed faithful only for God to bless him greatly.
Joseph went through roughly 17 years of trials and hardship before God appointed him as the Prime Minister of Egypt. I mean c'mon man. If I were Joseph I would not want to go through this, I would not know I would be a Prime minister going through all this.
David spent years as a fugitive before being the King of Israel. Ironically it is also during this period where he writes Psalms of praises to God.
All had one common denominator. Realize this are not perfect people. They all went through years of pain and there are much more examples I can bring out. But they all Trusted God. In spite of what they went through. In spite of their personal experience. It is not just months of trials but years. It took them years.

Food for thought. What is the point without trust? I conclude with this. Struggle all you want. Let us not let it be blind faith where you follow because you were told to or because the Bible says so. I personally am not fond of the phrase " But the Bible says..." but I do use it when needed to. But realize our position as creation and God as the creator and what he has called us to do. I encourage you to not be stubborn. If we are laying it all on the cross, then let us really lay it all on the cross. I mean c'mon, we believe Jesus resurrected from the dead. If that is what we believe then we too should trust him. If you do not trust God, I do not see a need to trust that he is the saviour. I do realize the tension I bring up of trusting him and struggling with God. But I think it is the tension I choose to live with because my God is a God of tension. Of love and Justice. Of grace and truth. I better stop before I confuse myself as well. Edd out =)

It ain't easy, but do not give up. My stance is, start with trusting Him.


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