How I came to know Him

Yes, it is about God and how I came to know him. I do not have that vivid memory of what I was doing, where and when or even the time or date. It was when I was around 11 and that is as much as I can tell you.
What I can tell you is this. God works in many ways and for me it went something like this. It was not through knowing God with intellectual knowledge. For me it started with discarding those knowledge. Bear in mind, we are talking about an 11 year old here so what he knows may be slightly off. As life continues, I could not carry this image of God I had in my mind no more for it made no sense. So I had a choice.

Hold on to what I knew, make it a form of blind faith ignoring the crisis I go through, or place my whole foot in this word called “faith”.

Yeah, I opted for faith. I discarded what I knew, knelt down and surrendered. Hence, the real relationship started. Relationship not based on what was learnt at Sunday school nor the dos and don’ts. Relationship not based on what only felt good for you and when it is bad something is wrong. But a relationship between a Father and his son. (Disclaimer: Not saying what was thought in church was wrong, I was saying I was taking it in for the sake of taking it in)

As time went on, usually on a day to day basis, He revealed little by little in His time his person, the Godhead three in one. With daily challenges He was there. With joyful happenings, He was there. With sorrowful events, He was there. As I grew, so did my relationship with him. How do you know a person better? The main idea here is by spending time with them sharing each other’s thoughts.

From sharing my thoughts and desires, it slowly turned to desiring His will and wants.
From complaining on why things did not go my way, it slowly turned to not my will but His will be done.
From saying “It is with my hard work I achieved this”, it slowly turned to “apart from me (God), you can do nothing”
From saying “Lord I love this girl”, it slowly turned to “Lord I love you more and your steadfast love is better than anything else.”
From saying “I am not worthy to be yours”, He says “My son Jesus has justified that on the cross, there is no other way, so know the promises I have stated as you go through sanctification” you are worthy through what Jesus has done and it is a gift.
From saying “I must serve Him at all cost”, He turned my focus to “Seek me, my kingdom, my righteousness”, “I want you to love me, have a relationship with me”

See what happened there? That is the process of sanctification happening as I abide in Him so that my joy will be full in Him. Or not I will just be a Christian with a burdensome duty. What is the condition of your heart? Do we honour God with our lips when our hearts is far away?
This is how I came to know him, after putting all on faith. From there, comes hearing, and by hearing the word of God as stated in Romans 10.

He is not a teaching nor religion but a person. 


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