Intent of Dating

I've read the a quote before saying "Dating without the intent for marriage is like going to a grocery store without money." and it continues "You either leave unsatisfied or take what is not yours"

So yeah. It is as it is. Many times I have observed people getting into relationships with, I would not say wrong, but selfish reasons. That being said I am not generalizing at all. I have said enough about relationships and how one needs wisdom and all having two imperfect people coming together. Get this really clear, I am no love guru or some relationship expert. Look at me, I am just an ordinary young adult. I am single haha.

Now, that being said you must think gosh If I get together with this person I am gonna marry him. I maaaay tear up laughing? But point is I am not gonna give such pressure. I will date with the intent to marry but does not mean I date you and you will be wife. I will be normal hahaha. That being said, I am saying that if ever I get into one, there is a possibility it won't work. The difference is, I have the intent and vision for marriage but I live in this present time =)

I will admit there were times where I invested my time on which I thought was love but for personal reasons and it did hurt. But, personally for me, it was one of the moments I learnt most from God. It was when he decided to reveal Himself and meet me where I was. It was where I slowly learn that He is enough. It was lessons of learning what love really is and those hurtful experience weren't for nothing =). Looking back, I wouldn't have traded anything for it.

I will end with this. If you'd ask me, I am just human. Yes I humbly admit that dating is scary to me since I do not have any experience in being a couple. I'm afraid it will be a mistake. I know there will be so much for me to learn. And yes ideally I would want to marry the first girl I date. I hold on to that ideal but not letting go of what is real. I know who is in control, I know who has my best interest at heart.
More importantly is that I continually seek God, know him, long for Him, to be in His presence, love Him and be in sync with His will. When the time comes, I trust I know when =)

PS I am up for corrections =)


  1. Good thoughts. =)

  2. If you continue with your thoughts, I can see why you are single.

  3. Yeap :) one more person understands :)
    But just to clarify it wont be for long =). But being single now is good.


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