My 2013

This is my 2013. Initially I thought the whole year was a year of fun and happiness and very little of the lows. It is really funny as I go through my journals, it is actually the other way around.
The name of this year "The Unfailing God".
Reading through my journal I have been in more lows than highs. But here is what I would like to share with you all.

It was a year of me preparing the field for God to send his rain and of course, in the process there were times when I was clouded by my desires, my human intellect, my inability to discern. It was a year that made me realize I still do not fully trust him after all.
So God was a mission to change that. I was placed in circumstances countless times where all I could do was depend on Him. Only when you are brought down to nothing in weakness is where his great strength truly shows. And so God reveals a little bit of himself day by day to me.

Seriously, I come to realize, where will I be without God? Who will I be? Truly nothing. Who am I today, is because of God. Yes, some may think I am this religious kid that only talks about God. Hey fellas...Matter of perspective =) See it this way, It is just that God is so real to me, I speak as though he is just, there (which he is by the way). And I ain't religious at all. It is through me knowing Him that I go to church and pray and all. I am not obeying what a Christian should do and not do but rather obeying the Father in heaven which in turns automatically would live a life right with God. But of course, I am just human, I fail miserably, most of the time.

Amazing how even when I acted out out of my emotions God said 'hold on', 'wait' and yet i did not listen. In times when it may be so hard to hear him and see him all I could do was trust Him and I did.

I actually have a lot to say, but let us just conclude this way. My life in general is the same as most. You get ups and downs, fights and laughter, sadness and joy. In life it is a season. It will never change. You will always always get the bad times. The difference is, God is with me through it all. Unfailing God. Mercy upon mercy, grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing he has showered me for His glory to in turn bless others.

For that, I can take to heart what Joshua 1:9 says "This is my command- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."


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