Christians angry with God?

I like to raise up a question. About being angry with God. Now I will not touch the intellectual or theological depth of this part. I will try to be simple.

          I believe as Christians we have expectations and people place expectations on us. Christians are suppose to be "good" with good "behaviours" doing the "right" thing. Some were taught not to be angry with God. Oh it is not God's fault, he is in control, he knows what is best. But if you'd ask me, as true as it is as claimed in the Bible, how helpful can that answer be? I know it by head but the experiences changes the premises of my heart. I want to believe, but my human understanding limits me.

             Secretly in our lives we are angry at God at one point at time or another. For those who deny this, correct me if I am wrong, I come to understand we are in denial of our emotions. C'mon, there is always a point where we hit our peak and blow our top off at God. All I am asking is for us to be real. 
             We have all our "why" questions popping. I am so rich I can afford surgery for my son but why the poor are left to suffer? Why do you take this good thing away from me? Why you call yourself good but I see cruelty and evil in the world? Angry at God for things not happening in our lives.Why why why why why. C.S lewis raised the question, "If a good God made the world, why has it gone wrong?"

          Huh? I wonder
But seriously, It is one question where a heated debate can begin from. And believe me there are lots of valid Christian answers that would make sense and is true to why the world is bad and God is good and God created this world that initially was not intended to be as how we see it today. Those answers can be googled so I wont waste my energy writing them all down here.

Forgive me if I tend to deviate, hopefully I do get my point across.

What I can write is this. As a Christian, no, correction, as a disciple of Jesus what does the bible tells us? Seriously I am in no authority to preach but as a simple servant of Christ, I would bring you to Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Forget the "given to you as well part". First see God's focus. A God that wants you to have a relationship with him. He desires one thing the most from you but cannot manipulate it. He wants us to love him. Intimacy with God.
You do not have expectations on what your life should be then blame God for when things do not go your way. Notice that? Your way? get the point. But instead keep your focus on God and he will guide you. In my experience, sometimes, what it needs is a step of obedience first, what can I say, it aint easy. I agree. Immense faith? yes. 

Again seriously, I go touch on the areas of Job and how he suffered. He did not understood God's intentions at that time blah blah blah. But right now I want to bring back the focus on why we are here.
From the beginning to the end, it is just stories of grace. We have been showered grace upon grace upon grace upon grace. Sometimes, it begins with doing what Jesus told us to do first. he paid a hefty price for us by dying on the cross. 
If you are struggling, well I cannot blame you at all. We are humans. For me, now that I know the truth (or what I claim I know) I cannot turn away from Him, I have to cling on to Him regardless whether I am pissed at him or not. I know for the fact that the cross showed how messy, shitty, sinful we are but at the same time how awesome God's grace is and how awesome his love is.

To conclude. It is totally fine being angry with God. Saying God can take it yes knowing the truth, some may call it blasphemy. Debatable. I wanna lean on the fact that God wants our hearts not our sacrifices hence, I believe God wants us to be real and authentic. Seriously, if a "grieving" person having lost something significant says it is fine for God is in control, his mercy endures forever, he knows best blah blah blah, I would find that hard to believe. Who are we kidding? I do not want my relationship with God to be superficial. Just read Psalms and see how they pour out to God. E.g Psalms 43, David begins by saying "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." Like seriously, he says WHY my sould are you DOWNCAST?! it is an example. If I am sad in my heart I personally would not keep it in (although God already knows) and give some surface prayer.
Dang so much to write but this is getting too long.....chaoz. here is a post on one of the values I have in living my life.



    I think Andrew Peterson's song encapsulates the issue really well.


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