Something to ponder on faith 2

Before I begin. I just wanna clarify something =).
When I said faith does not make sense, I am not asking you to reject logic and reason. Reason is what we need to construct ideas and logic is a gateway to check how valid the ideas and arguments are. I am just saying, at least for me, one should not make reason and logic the centre of truth. I am rejecting its supremacy. We so need reason and logic to survive wey...hahaha.

What can I say? =). I read about Abraham and it struck me the amount of faith he had. Think about it. Abraham was some dungu,chikai ( in laymen's term, somewhat a nobody) person who lived in Ur and he heard a voice to ask him to leave his home and go somewhere else.....Guess what? He obeyed that voice!

Seriously, if it were me I would say to that voice..." Dude, you crazy? I got a good thing going on here...". But that was how the relationship started with God. He obeyed. Imagine the immense faith it took for him to obey that voice. A friend of God indeed. To further add, God promised him a great nation and he believed! Even when his wife could not bare a child. To add even more....He did not even lived to see the great nation. It was sometime after Joseph's era...his great great grandchild. Now, imagine the amount of faith he had.

You want me to argue about God? I probably will agree with you on your scepticism cause, there is just no argument for God personally. Something divine will probably not come from the human mind.

You know how I kinda observe things....erm...How do we say...I kinda notice Christians usually keep quite concerning their faith until someone objects it and then they starting bringing out their guns and won't stop. An argument on God starts. Interesting how they take the chance to throw up all they know about God and all the have read in apologetic books. Correct me if I am wrong but it got me thinking at times whether Christianity is where people see faith as an intellectual game to win....Many arguments concerning God but few lead to them. Think about it. =)

To digress a little. I am not saying apologetic books and all is bad. It is good to gain knowledge on God. Truly you would want to know the God you worship. Just do not confine yourself in that one area. Notice this, it is truly very very subtle, but sometimes the love of the knowledge of God supersedes the love to know God more and to be in a relationship with him. Very subtle but it happens.

K I will not babble any longer. Readers do tend to get bored. =)


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