Something to ponder on faith

Gosh been so busy that this blog has been left hanging.

Anyway, hmmmm, it is just a thought after reading some books. Well, you guys probably must have heard me say this a million times that my religion is not a religion, it is more of a relationship with God. Like, some people do not really get it. They go...Huh? What?
It is hard to actually grasp the idea of a God wanting to have an intimacy relationship with a human. If I were not a Christian, believe me, I probably would give the same response.

I mean c'mon, I believe in a gospel that says "God sent himself to pay himself for the sins against himself". So saying I have sinned so God sent Jesus to die on the cross for me to be eternally reconciled with God again. Again, if I were not a Christian, I would say this does not add up at all. But we are not gonna dwell on this today =)

What I wanna share with you guys is this. Faith itself. At the end of the day, it takes faith to believe in what I believe no matter how theologically sound it is and to believe in something like this is absurd. But why do I still believe?

Faith is the confidence and assurance in something we do not see of have yet to occur. But think about it, we humans are limited. In our lives we are constantly making sense. But we only make sense through our senses. We get it when our brain makes sense of it. What we feel and understand. When we cannot make sense of it, it is not logic. I mean do not get me wrong, making sense has helped the human race grow immensely. Nonetheless, it limits us. What we feel, taste, see, observe....Science has always played a roll on this. Making sense of things. Thus, science is limited to our senses. When it does not make sense it does not exist. it is not real. it is not logic.

In concerns with faith and based on the definition given, then I would say faith is nonsense. So, since it is nonsense it is not logical hence cannot be accepted? Ah. Nonsense does not mean it is not real. Our definition of what is real should not be confined to only what can be made sense of. Nonsense is literally not being able to sense it.

Thus, to use science limited to our finite sense to explain an infinite God, we destroy the whole idea of God. If we can make sense of God, then God is not God I feel. Cause, think for a moment, making sense is something done by humans, an answer manufactured by humans assigning meaning to things. A human product. God, is not a human product. Gosh this is getting draggy, shall end it here. But hey, it is something to think about.

Adapted from the book 'No argument for God' and here comes part 2


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