The Prayer

Usually you get all those "socially desired" prayers. Prayers that are meant to be said. cliche. One that anyone can memorise and say it. But our God is a personal God. He wants to know your heart. Pray from your heart. Be real. If you are afraid of him knowing what you did wrong newsflash people, he is omniscient. HE KNOWS!

Lord, I am on the edge. Truly. I know what the Bible says. I know Be still and know that you are God. I know you have a way. I know you are my comfort. But Lord, I come to you know pouring my heart out to You. I am angry, frustrated, clueless, confused with where I am now. I so need your grace and mercy. Holy Spirit I truly ask that you guide me through. I ask you give me strength. I see you working in other places but that one area that affects my focus most....Father? As trivial as it may sound, look at what it has done? I cannot move forward father, I just can't. Listen to my plea. I feel like crap now. I am honest. I won't hide the emotion father. I am so drained. I just want an answer to move forward or not please take me out of this.

See that right there? Tell me, have you ever prayed that prayer?


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