How Time Flies

Oh 2012. Indeed what a year. A year where the end of the world was not significant in my life XP.

For me I went through three semesters in a year which actually felt like 3 years. 3 phases. It was a moment of growth for me. Looking back, I know I have changed a lot. I do not regret everything I have been through at the same time I am grateful that by His grace protected me, guided me, with held from me certain things and prevented me from making certain wrong decisions in life.

Truly I believe that I am not the same man I was 12 months ago, 9 months ago, 6 months ago 1 month ago. As God continues to reveal His revelations through his word I am constantly amazed at how He works. Through out the year, God has revealed to me slowly the kind of person I am and how much that is still needed to be worked within me. I struggled, I fought and I am reminded of

Psalms 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."

My peace comes from this verse. It is the thought that No matter what happens God is still in control. Sometimes the roads in our lives may not be pretty, but God is still with us, it is not defeat. As long as we are still in His will, it is not defeat. God always meant better things for us. So I will not fear. The Bible also says in 
Ecclesiastes 7:13 "Accept the way God does things, for who can straighten what he has made crooked?"

God intervenes in our lives sometimes for a reason. He is constantly involve in fact with us. Sometimes the best questions to ask is not "Why" but 'What and How'. What do you want me to learn from this? How to you want me to go about this situation? There are times God stays silent for the answer may not be required. There are times the answer will only be revealed in his perfect timing. So knowing He is control means we need to trust him. Trust him with all our heart and not to our own understanding. Ain't easy, but the better alternative of course =)
What to do next? 
Phillipians 4:6 "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

Instead of worrying what is going to happen next, pray about it. Know the power of prayer. The prayer that moves you towards Him. 
I am so running out of time here. SO I'll conclude with this. God has plans for everyone of you. Draw close to him and he will draw close to you. I have learnt that and truly it is an amazing experience. By experience I do not mean feeling Him here and there, shaking in the spirit and all but by experience I meant learning His will  through His word and daily activities for me bit by bit. 

I hope this encourages all of you. Chaoozz =)


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