Believe the best or assume the worst

 1 Corinthians 13:4-"Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trust , always hopes, always perseveres."

Believe the best or assume the worst. Wow, what does it mean? I got this from a sermon I watch regarding a sermon about 'staying in love'
 It struck me how actually " Believing the best or assuming the worse" was one of the fundamental aspects in a relationship....of any kind.
This is more like sharing the person's sermon in my own words.
Christianity is not just about heaven but here and now. Where you are at the current time. To be a good testimony of Christ wherever you are and whomever you're with. There comes a time when everyone of us has a decision to make where we fill in the gaps of a situation. This is where we either assume the worse or believe the best. Making this choice determines how we stay in love.
Look at the highlighted word above. It always protects, always trust , always hopes, always perseveres. You can never pull one of them out. You pull any of these out it loses its perfect meaning. Always trust, always hope huh....Indeed it makes love kind of blind.True, when we love unselfishly we become very vulnerable.But that was how God loved us and we hurt him again and again all the time. tsk tsk tsk. But =) In the end, love wins out even though our hearts have bled because of loving.
Whoops a little off course.
In every relationship there is a gap between what we expect and how people behave. and what we fill in that gap is either ' believe the best or we assume then worse '. e.g " You asked meet me at 12 but what time is it now?! You're half an hour late! Always late and having bad management in timing". See what I did there? We develop an attitude when we fill in the gap.
What I did there was assume the worse out of the person who asked to meet me. Fact is, we all fill in the gaps from our minds to our mouth. 

How would you choose to fill in yours?

its getting too long for humans eyes to read =P. Will continue part 2.....which is here


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