Who you are and who you want to be

Being the person you dream to be and the person you are are two different aspects. One is reality and another is a fantasy that has the potential to be a reality. But often times we make decisions that goes on a path away from reality.
Right now Lets focus on three things that shape us.
1. Time
2. Energy
3. Resources

Your time is your life. Every moment you spend your time with someone, it means you are sharing a part of your life with them. Every time you play 6 hours on the computer which means you used 6 hours of your life on the computer. Time is that precious =). Where and who you give your time to gives a statement of who we are and who we would like to be

Your energy comes hand in hand with your time I believe. What effort and energy you are willing to pour in shows it. Like for example if I play basketball and during a match I will play whole heartedly dribbling with my might and skill to pass or get to the basket....you would say " Hey, he is serious in what he does". If I were to do house chores lazily i would say, mopping the floor as if I had no backbone it gives a statement as well...." I am not into house chores ". This is all just an example

Resources. Your money.....wait pssht actually all these are your resources XP which includes your time and energy. How you allocate them somewhat defines who you are.

Example, if you claim to be a family person. You love your family but you work hard day and night. Leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night. You earn the big bucks and claim it is to support your family. Yes it is true. You need the money for the family. But see how it contradicts? Family man but works all day. Maybe I should call the person a Working man. See what I did there? You want to be a family man but you allocate your resources somewhere else. Instead of spending time to with your family, you place your money into investments for the future, your time into your work, your energy and effort in how you finish your work to impress the boss hoping for a promotion. But, you miss your child's first basketball match who scored the winning basket, your wife's first sonogram, your parent's birthdays ( they aint gettin' any younger), and so on.

I give you the points you put them in your situations and see whether you are the person who you want to be.  There are many more examples you can come up with.
Keep it sweet and simple.
Peace out~


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