Experience with children

Never thought I would get the opportunity. Was having a jamming session with my friend Mas and he just asked me to follow him to a job interview at Enopi. A tuition centre teaching Math and English. I thought since I had a month and a half break, I would rather work than rot at home.
I Got the Job.
Wow an opportunity to learn to love kids since, no offense, I tend to find children of this generation pretty annoying. Results.....was quite the opposite.
The Challenge
These were rich and smart kids.... Do the math. 6 years old doing Multiplication and division. High achievers. Spoiled brats. Seriously no offense =)
Handling them ain't easy. Getting them to do their work was the least of my worries. It was getting them to sit. Oh believe me these are smart kids we're talking about here. The moment they sit and do their work, you will go, " Wow when I was your age, I did not even learn math yet". Actually I do not remember how I came to learn numbers. Of course there are others who need guidance and all.
Anyhow, it was to be honest pretty shocking working with them(children). It came to a point when I had to call my mum to see whether I was any trouble being a child and how she handled me.
How the kids turn out to be I would not touch. But, it hit me that these kids are only kids still learning. It also hit me then eventually, every child needs disciplinary action (By the way, hitting the kids was forbidden ).
I have learnt so much in the past three weeks. Every child is so different. Every child has their problems.
Material items are not the issue. You get 6 year olds with blackberry(s). Everything else that is not related with money are the troubles they go through. Some kids are lovely, some kids are just crazy.
Same lines that kept popping through my head 
" If it were my mum, if it were my mum, if it were my mum...." Over and over again. They were raised so different than how my generation was.
All right to cut short. Working there is mentally draining. But I realized. Hey. What I am doing here? I am investing my time and effort into these children. Not only educating them formally but informally. Building their character. Picking up parenting skills. I have been given the responsibility to help shape the lives of children here and instil good values. Gosh sounds so cliche and corny. But, nonetheless true.

You get to hear their problems of life. How they don't get to see their parents all the time. Talking about their drivers instead of their parents. Makes it feel like " All Master Bruce Wayne has now is the family butler Alfred". Get me? They are very cute with the choice of words they use. Some more intellectual than others.

Come to think of it, maybe I am learning to love them more after all.
I could write so much more, but you know the routine, long ones bore.


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