I am not sure whether I blogged on fear before. But if I did, well then take it as a second post on fear then.
I am not expert on fear but this is what I know. Fear limits you. One thing is for sure, fear can come in many forms and not just the " Oh I am scared " kind of fear.

Anxiety, doubts, timidity, worry, suspicion, depression, loneliness, superstition and the list goes on. 

            Somewhat fear is related to my previous post on being an oyster (link of the post) which I think is about worrying and having doubts on what is outside your comfort zone that you stay in your shell not knowing what is out there. Thus, being fearful.

For example, No one is afraid to say I love you, they are just afraid of the response. Now he or she worries of the response and fear of rejection. Worry is a fear. Or No one is afraid to speak up in class, they are just afraid of what people might think of them. But you also see how it limits you. To the extreme you end up doing nothing because of fear. Fear to not try something new and in the end like the oyster you get a dull life.
It is that negative thinking pattern where we continually repeat to ourselves that "We can't!"

Learn to put a foot out. Life has risk. You were meant to take those risk. Risk come in both bad and good. Rather than not experiencing anything I'd rather go through crappy experiences and learn from them.
Personally I would say, giving "I am afraid that I would not like what I find out"  as a reason is a bad excuse to a certain extent. That 'extent' stretches way further than you think.

For Christians  I would add, the Holy Spirit did not come to live in you and give you the spirit of fear.


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