What do we know about a relationship?

What do we really know about relationships? You claim we know them, but...Do we? Do we really understand the administration and decrees of a relationship? People today just get into a relationship and when asked the question 'why?'....They can't seem to answer.
Do we know what we are getting into actually?
These days all I see are people getting together and breaking up. Sad scene indeed. 
When you say you like someone and they like you back, is that a reason to get into a relationship? Probably, but are the premises strong enough to make it lasting? You may also say " She/He is loving, caring , generous, kind, sweet, fun,etc....that is why I like her/him". True. These may be the reasons. If he/she was not that way initially, you may not fall in love. But, that is just the surface on getting onto a relationship don't you think? The other factors that come in are like time, how you compromise, how serious are you, objectives, motives and so on. I mean like, you say you found " The One" I say, "The One" only plays half the part of a relationship, the next part that comes in is commitment.
I have said it a thousand times before, from my knowledge, the main destroyer of relationships is selfishness. If one is selfish, they will only think of themselves and not their partner thus, the relationship never progresses.
Another factor is preference in relationship. Are you the type that you hv to find a girl that is compatible at every aspect or using the concept 'opposites attract'? Are you the type that wants experience getting into a relationship or just having one person forever.
The issue here is, do we know what we are getting into? Is there significance in your decision when you say you want to get into a relationship?
Is what you are saying "I like/love him/her" really what you meant or based on feelings rather than adding in analyzation as well?
I myself do not know what getting into a relationship really mean. For me I would say...Why get into a relationship if you do not see any proper clear future ahead. You get into a relationship out of flattery? out of pity? Out of peer pressure? Out of conformity? Out of the fact that people say you look good together?
Think about it. I do not wish to bore you any further, but just think....=) Peace out!
FYI, it is not wrong to get into one, but just know what you're getting into.


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